An Attraction

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*Alarm clock buzzing*

Slowly Billy comes alive, rolling over to smack the buzzing machine off his nightstand. Groaning and pulling the pillow over his head as he struggled to wake up for the first day of a new school that he dreaded to go to. He still resented his father for bringing him to this place, taking him away from the beautiful California sun and weather, to a cold damp cloudy town.

Hearing his door creaking open slowly, he laid still with his head under his pillow as he waited to find out what the intruder was about to do. Thinking it was his father to come in and bust his ass for sleeping in and not getting ready, but unlikely because his old man would've just stomped in, voice blaring and throw Billy out of bed. No this had to be the little redhead that he now has to watch over like she was his own sister.... Pft as if, little brat.

"Billy?" Max's voice came out in a hesitant sound, such as a mouse. Laying there still not responding to her as he waited for her to proceed closer to his, what she thought was his still sleeping figure. He could sense the girl's hand reaching out to shrug his shoulder, about to bolt up right to scar the crap out of her, his step mom walked in.

"Billy, time to wake up, don't want to miss your first day at your new school." Her nice sweet voice said. Taking his head out from under the pillow, he looked up to find max already gone out of the room. 'good riddance'.

Rolling out of bed, shirtless with a pair of basketball shorts on, he shook his head before grabbing a pair of Levi's, a white Tee and his jean jacket, getting dressed. Doing a once over in his body mirror, he popped a cigarette in-between hi lips, walking out to go leave. Max following behind him out the front door without another word said.

          (At school)

  Pulling into the parking lot filled with people, some staring at the new car with a new student written all over it he found himself uncaring. Not paying any mind to anyone as he stepped out of his Camaro, looking around to see girls giggling as they blushed his way and some guys who either seemed intimidated, annoyed, or chill with a new guy coming into play. Either way he could care less for it as he wanted to get the day over with.

As he lit his cigarette, turning to start walking to the school building he ran smack dab into someone, knocking them clean over while he gained most of his composure.  At first he was annoyed, as the smack into someone's body sent his newly lit cigarette out of his mouth and to the ground along with the person.

"Son of a bit-" he started saying before he glanced at the person, who happened to be a girl with dark chocolate brown hair and big dark blue eyes. She was looking up at him waiting for him to possibly tell her to whatch where she was going, or maybe to insult her but none of that came out of Billy as he blushed. Scrapping the cigarette out with his boot, he held out his hand to her.

"Sorry about that, I should've been watching where I was going." He stated with a small light smile on his face, making the girl blush harder than he did.

"Oh, no worries, I wasn't really paying attention myself actually. Sorry about-" she gestured to the stamped out cigarette on the ground. Taking his held out hand, he pulled her up with one motion, licking his lips as he looked down at it.

"Don't worry about it, guess it's a sign that I should stop." He lightly teased, seeing her smile lightly as she hugged her books to her chest.

"Hmm, You must be new." She stated after a small pause. Cocking her head to the side a bit as she gave him a little curious look. Biting his tongue, he did a quick nod, putting his hands in his jean pockets.

"Yeah, what gave it away." Scuffing as he seemed to be reliving his dread of moving again.

"Well..... I'm Nancy, I'm sorry I had to be the one to start your first day off badly." She winced with an apologetic look on her face, Giving her a smik as she apologized again.

"Well...... I'm Billy, and you should stop apologizing because nothing happened to me, seeing how you're the one that ended up on the ground." He said teasingly, watching as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"This is true, but still.... If you need anyone to show you around or help finding anything, I'd be more than happy to Billy." Shivers going down his spine as she said his name, rolling off her tongue smoothly and sweetly. He was about to say something flirty to her until some guy came walking up, putting his arm around her shoulder. Billy's chill didn't faulter as he watched Nancy lean into the guy.

"There you are, was wondering where you went." The guy said, eyeing Billy up and down, looking at him as if he poses a threat. Of course Billy couldn't help but get a smug snarky look on his face.

"Sorry Steve, I ran into Billy by accident, he's new here and was just telling him if he needs some help around, I'd be happy to." Nancy said, of course she meant her offer of help innocently, but Billy knew what was running through Stevie boys head as he gave Billy a snubbed look.

"Yeah, well... I'm sure Billy can figure things out just fine on his own Nancy." Steven said with uncertainty of his girlfriends offer to lend a helping hand to a new and very handsome guy. Billy knew all too well how his presence made this Steven guy uncomfortable, he revelled in this.

"Steve that's really rude-" Nancy was in the middle of saying until Billy interrupted.

"Oh nah it's all good, I understand, you still owe me though for that dropped cigarette." Billy flirtatiously said to Nancy, making her blush red as he winked at her and smugly smiled at an annoyed Steve. Walking off into the building he couldn't help but feel that this was going to be a fun game.

(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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