When we meet in the dark

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As I wandered through the ancient grounds, where legend had it the Garden of Eden once thrived, I couldn't help but marvel at the transformation that had taken place. What was once believed to be a pristine paradise, inhabited solely by Adam and Eve, now stood as a burgeoning civilization, teeming with life and promise.

As I led the people into this sacred space, a sense of reverence washed over us. We were stepping foot into a place steeped in myth and mystery, a place where the very essence of humanity had taken root and flourished.

"Welcome to Eden," I announced, my voice echoing softly against the lush foliage that surrounded us. "Here, you will find comfort and all the necessities you require."

The words were met with a mixture of gratitude and awe, as the people gazed around in wonder at their new home. Among them was a woman whose grief was palpable, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she struggled to maintain composure in the face of her loss.

"Thank you, miss," she murmured, her voice trembling with emotion. "You are very kind."

My heart went out to her, a silent acknowledgment of the pain she carried within her. She had lost her husband, her anchor in this tumultuous world, and now found herself navigating the uncertain waters of grief and despair. In her tears, I saw echoes of my own sorrow, of the loved ones I had lost along the way.

"It's okay," I reassured her, offering what little solace I could. "Please, take some time to rest and replenish your strength."

As I made my way to my tent, seeking respite from the weight of the world, a familiar face caught my eye. Angela, a blonde girl whose gentle demeanor belied a strength that ran deep, approached me with a sense of urgency.

"Gayatri, a letter arrived for you," she explained, her voice tinged with curiosity. "It was... unusual. It appeared out of thin air."

Taking the letter from her outstretched hand, I felt a surge of apprehension wash over me. The parchment was scorched and tattered, its contents obscured by the ravages of fire. Only one person possessed the power to send such a message—Ariel.

With trembling hands, I unfolded the letter, the words dancing before my eyes like ghosts of the past. It was a message from a friend long gone, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness. And as I read the words inscribed upon the page, I knew that my journey was far from over. There were still battles to be fought, truths to be uncovered, and a destiny waiting to be fulfilled.

Dear Gayatri,

I trust this message finds you in good health and safety. Since our last meeting, circumstances have not been favorable, to say the least. I write to you with a heavy heart, as Elle finds herself in dire straits, and we, too, are facing challenges.

Kindly respond with an urgent message indicating a suitable meeting place. Your assistance is invaluable to us at this time.

Awaiting your swift reply,



The urgency in my voice prompted Angela to turn toward me, her expression expectant as she awaited my next words.

"Yes, Gayatri?" Her voice held a mixture of concern and curiosity, mirroring the apprehension that gnawed at my own senses.

"When was this message sent?" I inquired, my tone edged with a sense of urgency that matched the gravity of the situation at hand.

Angela's brow furrowed in concentration as she consulted the message log, her fingers deftly navigating the interface with practiced ease. "Two days ago," she replied, her voice tinged with a note of solemnity.

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