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10:04 PM (12/21)

He was playing with his guitar on his bedroom, when his abusive and homophobic parents came inside, with a phone showing joshua a picture of him, getting pinned by a man and kissing him

"i- dad mo-" the poor boy got interrupted by his dad

"Dont ever say that again you gay, we're never going to be your parents" he punched him hardly, joshua was on verge on crying on pain but he can't... He have to be strong... Until his parents told him,

"Listen here you filthy gay, you have 30 minutes to pack if you dont want to make this more worst, get out of here nd never come back" he pushed for the last time before closing the door of joshua's room

Joshua doesn't have time to cry as he only have a short time before this gets worst, so he started to packed all his things on his jansport bag, and including his guitar, that his dad and mom gave it to him when he was very young

He stood on the door of his room, saying goodbye to it

His parents watched him to leave the house with that smirk on their faces

"Also... Get a life you disgusting gay" his last words before closing the door

While he was walking down the streets his eyes are getting watery, but he has to rwsist it until he finds a room for a place to cry

He walks and walks to bunch of streets until he made it to the city,people were staring at him who walks by whispering to each other

He runned off the escape in the crowd of people only to find himself in a park at the middle of the night, where nobody else roaming and taking a walk

He sat at the bench near the fountain, where he released his tears,

"why....?" he sniffed and constinues to cry loudly

A minutes later, he finally stopped crying but his eyes are still watery

He hugged his bag while his guitar behind the bench, as he lays down at the bench, feeling sleepy, and drifts off to sleep moments later

He wokes up from the coldness and uncomfortable sleeping bed and position, he looks up the sky, it was still dawn, probably still 4 AM. He sits up as he looks around, making sure his stuff aren't robbed yet. And greatfully it wasn't.

He sat, knees on his chin, thinking what should he do, until he picks up his guitar and looks at it

"Will this work?" he questioned himself

Until it was the day he starts his small performance to earn money to survive

It was 12 PM at noon, and he only wears his casual shirt and a sweater on top, and a pants, and his sneakers, and nothing else. Other people passing by getting worried at the boy's outfit as it's cold because, it's the muddle of the December. He wants to make his birthday comes first, before his time comes, so he decide to earn money for his birthday cake.

He asks permission for the store manager in front of their shop, if it's fine to perform to make money, and luckily the manager agreed

He puts his cap at the floor in front of him, so people can donate. So he grabbed his guitar, and sat on a bench, he starts strumming it, and he starts singing, after his small performance he looked at his cap and saw a bunch of coins and a 5 bill paper money of 1000 won, enough for him to buy himself a food for a day, but he doesn't want to spend on it, as he was waiting for his special day

He made his way back to the park where he sleep, until a guard blocked him telling that, no homeless is allowed at the park, which made him just nodded and starts adventuring around the city, he looks up to one of a billboard showing the familiar face he had loved so much and left him suffering

"It's been 2 years, hannie" he smiled and starts walking again, at his 2nd night, he tried to sleep at a cafe but he was prohibited because, they fon't allow people to sleep, he tried so many stores and cafe, begging them to let him sleep just for a night, but nobody agreed, so he ended up in a alleyway, he slept with his knees on his face

Another night has passed, he starts his small performance again, after 2-3 songs played, he finally finished his job. And a woman at her 40s walk to him, and greeting him

"hello, you have such a nice voice and you can also play guitar, what an oustanding job you did, dear." he smiled akwardly to her

"a- ah, thank you so much ma'am, but i need to go now" he said, he was about to walk away when he was stop by the sudden question of the woman

"Wait, are you homeless?" she asked

"y-yeah ma'am, why?" he asked her in confused

"i think you will be a nice choice for my son, dear"

"wha- are you trying to ship me to your son, ma'am?" she nodded smilely

"c'mon, i will give you a place to live, as long as you will become my son's fiance" i widen my eyes at what she said


To be continue...

February 11, 2023

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