Chapter 5

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"Who are you?" In all uprightness though I had no idea who this was. Plus I was only 2 days into living in Bonnington so it's not like I anticipate to be having any casualties. This voice was far from being familiar, I mean I don't remember such rhythm landing on my ears even from where I come from in Chelsea. Besides I could discern from the rarefaction in the background of the caller as well as the amplified vibration on the phone that this voice was auto tuned. There were no masculine or feminine hints yet again, I could draw no judgement about the gender of who dared to dig in and find out who I was. I was about to bomb out questions when the caller interfered, "don't act so cheesy and unaware Kirmit,  only one person can call you in Bonnington, " they said as the vibration from their side just became agonising to my ears. "Anyways I'm thirsty, how about we go out for drinks, or better, how about we go out for blood?" They said as they chuckled hysterically. I shot out of my chair, almost streaming Danny with the coffee I had been sipping. It had just dawned on me that only one person in Bonnington can be thirsty, for blood particularly. My target got to me personally and this left me awe struck. They seemed smart, I'll give them that credit. I banged the table, not out of rage,  I just do that routinely. The rest of the conversation was just the killer gloating, honestly my thought was they're more of an action person but right now they were just ranting a bit too much for my liking. "Hmmm! Too silent aren't you? I bet youre amazed, let's just meet up and clear the dust. Besides I'm not as bad as they narrate." They actually think I was just dumbstruck, newsflash! I was just waiting for this part of the conversation. Law breakers are so predictable by now. First they want to be found, paid ransom then whatever happens afterwards is undivulged. The killer picked out the Droop Mansion as our meet up place. Five minutes in I was pacing in my office contemplating on whether to go or not. I mean the following could happen should I go :

1. I could get killed by the killer, this could be a trap for all I care
2. Finally I'll learn the identity of the killer and nab them

Or..... I could just ignore the call like it never happened. But this would mean letting this killer have their way. I'd been looking for a light at the end of the tunnel and now this was a bigger catch. This is the golden moment for my promotion and registration in the hall of fame. Should I tell the Commissioner? If I inform him and of the decision I took of meeting the killer he'll most likely invite over ammunition and backup. That's not what I want, instead this while serial killer pin down thing should be done by me alone and it'll double my street credit. It was decided then, Commissioner Kennedy and the whole station was not allowed to know. As quick as that I turned from the wall I was facing to focus my attention on Danny. The message was clear, he had to shut up and keep mum about me and this call. This case was paused for today so I got excused by Danny as I sat down and put my eyes eyes on less important cases such as juvenile delinquency and other thinner crimes. I stepped out of the office for a few casualties like law obedience inspection as well as make a few arrests. I was about to travel back to my office when I got a call that Freebird bar was under siege by robbers in Carnier Street. Duty is never really over so my direction was diverted back to Carnier Street. The bar was already chaotic with all the drunkards running around crazy and everything whilst others were throwing up on their way out. I robbed a few shoulders with a few of them wreaking strongly of alcohol until I could be able to enter the bar and find 6 men in possession of guns. They looked experienced as they blew a few brains out in the bar. One of them had a bag on their shoulder, probably stashed with a lot of money. I was still about to comprehend what exactly was going on when a bullet aimed for me and missed me and hit a table sending me down to find  cover behind one chair. My eyes began searching and calculating for an angle that would wipe them all out at once. Suddenly I spotted a bullet proof wall across the room(come on it was because it stood strong after multiple shots). The gun men were all standing behind each other so my brain began working. If I could shoot the bullet proof with an equal number of bullets to how many they were, they would bounce back 45° to where they were, hitting all of them once in accuracy. I quickly turned and shot at the wall 6 times and as predicted the gun men were hit, only one man managed go dodge but whatever,  bull's eye! They never had covered their faces and eventually I could draw a similarity between the 6th gunman that had dodged and the photo of Freebird's owner mounted on the wall. Darn it this was the owner of this very bar, but how stupid could be though. I took cover again expecting war from him but he stood there and waited for me to apprehend him so I did heading out to the police station. He was taken in for interrogation and that was my spot to handle. This session went too easy, he never withheld anything and by the end of 10 minutes in I realised the bar was not robbed in the first place. It was all a play out, I got angry and burst out at the owner, uncuffed him to set him free and aimed for the door exhausted. I was about to forcefully grip out the door when the bar owner asked me if I did not want to know why he lied and landed himself in a room with me alone. My tracks were put to a hault as I rotated sharply to look at him viciously smirk, "your caller from later wants you to come alone tomorrow,  nothing funny," he said as he came closer and pat my shoulder then motioning for the door. This killer was hell bent on getting me alone, that was now me admitting I was getting a little afraid of the unknown. Whatever though, my aim is still to get rid of this killer and I was closer to doing it. Thar was all for the day, quickly I grabbed the keys to my car and sped off to my house for a mini detox. The geyser was on luckily (damn my electricity units are down though). Headed for the bathroom, my shoes were taken off and thrown in the shoe store as I foraged through for some flip flops while grabbing my gown from the dresser. Suddenly I stopped on my tracks when my guest room was burst open , this was  way off because I never opened that room. I walked to go close to the door only to see the white wall smudged with blood encrypting the same letters "the thirst never  dries out". About  to go nuts,my hand riffled through my head and my phone rung. I was about to take the call but it lead straight to voice mail and all I heard was "tomorrow seven o'clock sharp at the Droop Mansion,  don't even check up at work, we've got load to do Kirmit." I hung up and went to dive in my bubble bath complimented by my wine because all this was too much for a whole 24 hours. I stayed in for a flat 30 minutes almost dosing off in the process. Avatar was airing so it was a movie night, I grabbed my blanket, slipped into pyjamas and went to the living room finding the movie on. Practically I dosed off on the couch without even completing the movie. By 5 am I was up but this time not to go for a run. There was prey to catch so I had to get myself hundred percent ready.

Hehe I'm having to cut this short because chile this is so long😂😭🔥! Catch the continuation on chapter 6 this same day in the evening though ❤️🥺don't forget to vote, share and comment🥺🤚🏼!

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