~Artbook Guide~

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This is a starting guide of how to navigate through my Wattpad Artbook of fanarts and Commissions.
Do take these pointers seriously as it will help you.

Now, without further delay, here are the simple "Symbol guides"

🔴 = Contain blood
❤️ = Contain love
🔥 = Spicy
If you come across a chapter with no symbols, it mostly mean it's fanart/safe.

Please take these symbol guides (which will be located above each chapter before the pics) seriously, especially the 🔥. I will not tolerate getting a message about showing something too 🔥when there has already been a warning.

People who wish for commission, do DM me instead, not comment. Artworks are on my free time only, so expect no specific deadline.

Wattpad Art Collection-Moonlight NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now