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Chapter One: Angelina

"Come on Angelina please!" Avery asked. Avery had been trying to get me to use my powers for the past 15 minutes. She claimed she loved seeing the sparkles that I could hold. Really it was just bits of sunlight. I had photokinesis, or the ability to control light. I used to use my ability a lot, but I had really hurt myself using them a few months ago, so I swore that I wouldn't use them again. Avery still didn't seem to get it, however.

"No, I'm not using my powers again! They get way too out of control." I said, trying to get my point across.

"But they're so cool! And you'd do anything for me, wouldn't you Angel?" Avery said, using her classic puppy eyes. I glared at Avery.

"Don't call me that. You know I don't let anyone call me Angel. And I'm still not doing it."

"But your parents call you Angel all the time?"

"Only my Dads are allowed to call me that. They're the ones who came up with the nickname, and they've been calling me that since I was 10. Nobody else can call me Angel." I explained to her.

Only my dads were ever allowed to call me Angel. My Papa got to pick my first name, and he chose the Italian and Greek name because it combined his heritage together for one name, which meant "angel". I got my Dad's last name, Solace. But I still never let anyone call me Angel except for them, and most everyone understands, apparently except Avery.

Avery slumped in her chair and huffed. She was usually like this. And even though I found it annoying how stubborn she was, I knew that I was the same. It got us into a lot of fights, and I mean a lot. But she had been my friend since I had first come to camp, and she was actually a really good friend. I was actually kind of jealous of her. She had light brown hair that was styled in a balayage, and it totally suited her personality. She was a stereotypical Aphrodite kid, but I always hung around her because she didn't mind me being quiet. Avery was basically a model. She was tall and skinny and had sharp blue eyes that made me feel like ice when I looked into them. Honestly, most people would mistake her for a typical "mean girl" that you see in movies, but she was nicer than you would think.

"I stopped using my powers for a reason. You remember what happened last time." I folded my arms and gave Avery a death stare.

"Geez, when did you get so dark and gloomy? You used to be so happy." Avery said. I softened my expression and let my arms hang at my sides. I looked down at the floor. "Sorry, I guess I'm just really worried that I'll get hurt again. My Dad says I shouldn't be using my powers right now. They take too much energy and end up hurting me more than helping me." I looked back up at Avery and she was totally staring at Maddox, another camper. I rolled my eyes and sat next to her. I didn't know why I was still friends with her actually. Maybe it was because Avery felt like my only friend right now. Elliot, my other best friend, was probably too busy with Jack anyway. Jack was her boyfriend, they had been dating for a while. I used to talk to Jack, but we haven't really interacted since I was ten, so we never really knew each other.

Elliot was supposed to be arriving today, but I hadn't seen her. All of my other friends weren't at camp, since they weren't year-rounders. Elliot was the first friend that I made once I was adopted, and we were the bestest of friends. We spent every moment we could with each other. She was practically my sister. And Avery joined our group in my first year of camp, and that's how our group got set in stone. I don't think I've hung out with very many people except for those two.

"I have to go, bye Angelina!" Avery chirped. She ran over to Maddox and began flirting with him. I gave a soft smile and sat down at the table. Avery always had a new crush every few months. Maddox was her newest crush, and Elliot used to be best buddies with him, he was another kid I never really knew. Avery always left to talk to him. I was alone. Again. But that didn't matter too much. I was never really that social of a person. I took off my jacket and pulled out the needle and thread I had stowed into the pocket, and resumed my favorite activity: embroidery. I was almost done with the skull I had put on the right arm. It just needed an outline.

I had only a few more stitches to go when I heard a loud explosion. Then laughter. I looked over and a bunch of Hephaestus and Hermes kids were laughing. I debated over whether I should go over and see what they were laughing about, but I wasn't friends with all of them, so I decided against it and finished the final stitch. I tied a knot and bit off the excess string. I didn't have any scissors, don't blame me. And the skull was finished. I put the jacket back on and hid in the fuzzy part around the neck. I didn't really care if it was warm today, my jacket was comfy and I needed some comfort. I put the needle back in my pocket and went to the top of Half-Blood Hill, where I dozed off while I waited for Elliot to show up. 

A/N (Siena): Hope you enjoyed! This chapter is really short, but I promise they get longer and much better than this lol 

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