The origin of Bhagavadh Gita

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The armies of the pandavas & gavuravas where standing against each other in the land of purification THE KURUKSHETRA..

At this fraction of time the heart of Arjuna the most feared warrior prince of pandavas was driven with fear, anxiety, stress & guilt.

He asked the supreme lord Sri Krishna who was his chariot driver that he is in confused state and will not fight.He also commanded to take him between the two armies.Understanding his feelings Krishna obeyed him with a smile.

Having understood that Arjun's mind was"Seduced by the dark side of the force"..Krishna thought he should give a piece of his universal knowledge.

Raising from his seat SriKrishna startry his preaching to his friend
"What had happened was good,
what is happening is also good,
what is going to happen will also be good my dear partha....what today is yours tomorrow may become others, dayafter What his may become others, So my friend nothing in this universe is yours.So do your duty by fleeing from the evil of human mind"

Arjuna was awakened by the words of the lord but he still has a doubt he asked "oh lord Srikrishna what add the evils of the human mind?"

Krishna replied with a smile

"oh partha nothing in the universe is immoral and eternal....except the universalsoul it self every living thing & Non living are a part of it....The only way to mix & blend with it to slay the evils within the human mind to reach the divine path the evils serpents are...Desire, Love, Lust, Anger & Fear"

Having enlightened by the words of the supreme soul lord Srikrishna, He was ready to do his duty to relinquish the evil & free the souls from the sin.The warrior Arjuna is now battle ready.

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