My Good Boy Ch2: Addicted To You

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Bakugo is back for more training...just not the kind he expects.
Kirishima is enjoying himself...but is it too much?


Basically, I've had this (and other story chapters) written on my laptop but it stopped working so I tried to get another one to transfer them all too...but it didnt work. A glitch happened that deleted all my work so I've been trying to rewrite everything as best and quickly as I can between work loads @.@
I hope y'all enjoy this and YES there will be more! I have the ending figured out but I'm not sure how many chapters I'll do before we get there.
I'm always open to constructive criticism and I hope y'all enjoy ^.^


Why the fuck even the most useless of villains decided they were tough shit all of the sudden was absolutely beyond Bakugo. For almost two weeks now, they've been nearly nonstop, forcing the whole agency to run full time with barely a break for anything more than sleep and it was really starting to take its toll.

But that wasn't the only cause for his irritation.
Deep beneath his skin he had been feeling something growing. Like an itch he couldn't scratch, a flavor he couldn't name...a craving...but for what, he just didn't know, and it was pissing him off.

Who could really blame him if he started getting a little more snappy at the idiots around him? So what if he burnt the edge of Kaminari's shirt? He was being extra irritating!

It wasn't until he felt Kirishima behind him that he felt even a hint of relief from the building frustration he knew was going to blow soon.

He's not sure what exactly happened after that but part of him vaguely remembers Kirishima asking if he was being a bad boy but all he knew for sure was he was suddenly handing Kaminari a new shirt…

Part of him was confused but really, he was just too tired to give a fuck.

Then there was the frustration of going home.
Almost every day he'd find himself staring at his roommate's door, a pull urging him to go in and…what?

He just didn't know.

So he did his best to shove the urge aside and get his sleep, thankful for the bone deep exhaustion he felt that knocked him out the moment head met pillow.

Today, however, was different.

Finally they had a break in the criminal activity flow and were able to relax themselves a bit. Less stress, less strain, less exhaustion at the end of their shift and for the first time in a while, Bakugo was able to figure out what was eating at him.

The realization had him knocking on Kirishima's door later that evening.

"Hey, Bakubro! What's up?" Seeing the smiling sturdy hero shirtless at work was nice to look at but somehow was never as potent as seeing him that way at home, especially when he was wearing loose fitting sweatpants that hung low enough on his hips to show his Adonis belt and the top of…

He quickly shifted his thoughts. "Since we had an easy day today, I wanna try the video again." They hadn't been able to since that first time and the knowledge he had such a weakness was making him twitch. He HAD to see it again. To train. That was the only explanation he had for this need he felt growing in him, burning even more now that the thought was voiced. He NEEDED to do it again and he knew Kirishima wouldn't deny him what he needed.

Kirishima had wondered when Bakugo was going to bring it up again after that night. Tired as they both had been, he wasn't sure if the thought had even crossed the blonde's mind...though there were times he thought he heard footsteps stop by his door before he slipped to sleep...but that could have just been his imagination.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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