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I wanna travel through the capricious ways of the years
And give you back that toy.
Doing that could've avoided all these tears
And reminisce on occasions like beating up that boy.
I needed to restart that day
Go back and change callous decisions.
I would drive with them and color the grass with gray.
It was all a matter of fate but I got off the phone without the envision
That I would never get to see this again.
I ran and ran and ran without nauseous knowledge
That this wasn't an ordinary bloodstain,
In fact it was being held hostage.
There you were
Peacefully sleeping in the riot.
It was all an accidental blur.
you were still being yourself, very quiet.
None of us knew
What the following days would include.
The grief imputed and grew.
The box closed over your lifeless face,
They lowered you into your sweet embrace.

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