Murder of marvin acme

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They drive to the Acme factory. As Santino walks away, Valiant stands looking towards Toon Town.

"Now what?"

"It's just I haven't been this close to Toontown for a while"

A figure comes flying over the wall, trailing fire, and bounces to a halt in front of the two men.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! Ow! Ooh!! Eee! Ow!! My briskets are burning! Fire in the hatch! Ow!! Ooohh!! Eee!! Great hornitoads, that smarts!" He Sits in a puddle, "Ahhh"

"Come on, Eddie. Let's get this over with..."

The two men walk into the Acme Factory. Santino speaks to the cop on guard at the door.

"He's with me"

They are met with the sight of a body in the middle of the warehouse floor. On it's head is a very large safe.

"Just like a toon to drop a safe on a guy's head. Sorry, Eddie. Ahem. Better wait here, alright?"

"Hey, Chishold. Get a load of this!"

A Policeman Holding up a black disk, "Seen one of these?"

He throws it on a wall, it morphs into a hole and he puts his hand through it.

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Hey, Guys!"

Valiant turns to see a detective holding a mallet. From it springs a boxing glove on the end of a retractable arm. This narrowly misses Valiant twice, knocking down piles of boxes behind him.

"Didn't you used to be Eddie Valiant? Or did you change your name to Jack Daniels? Ha ha ha"

Valiant turns To a man picking yellow paint from the rope attached to the safe, "What's that?"

"Paint from the rabbit's glove"

"Mr. Valiant" he turns to Jessica.

Valiant turns to see Jessica and he runs his eyes over her body. She, however, slaps him hard across the face.

"I hope you're proud of yourself and those pictures you took!" She storms out.

As Acme's body is being carried away on a stretcher, the men carrying it bump into one of the many piles of boxes and one bursts open to release pairs of toon shoes and boots. In the ensuing confusion to get the boots back into the box Acmes body is bumped into and his arm drops out from under the sheet and something falls from his hand. Valiant sees this and he bends down to pick it up. As his hand closes around it, a walking stick jabs painfully into his hand.


He looks up to see a man named Judge Doom, dressed all in black with a black hat and orange tinted glasses. His skin is a deathly grey color.

"Is this man removing evidence from the scene of a crime?"

"Er, no, Judge Doom. Uh, Valiant here was just picking it up for ya. Weren't you, Eddie?"

"Hand it over"


Valiant grasps Doom's hand and there is a buzzing sound and Dooms body goes rigid. Doom takes the hand buzzer.

"His number one seller"

An artificial smile momentarily adorns Doom's face.

"I see working for a toon has rubbed off on you"

"I wasn't working for a toon. I was working for R.K. Maroon"

"Yes. We talked to Mr. Maroon. He told us the rabbit became quite agitated when you showed him the pictures. The rabbit said one way or another, he and his wife were going to be happy. Is that true?"

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