Chapter 1- Written by maowarrior

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Edited by Magicalez


POV - Katniss Everdeen (from The Hunger Games, book 1)

I awoke to the sound of birds. They were quiet, peaceful, and showed that not all was wrong in the world. Even in the middle of this bloodbath the Capitol had fashioned the birds would still sing. But then a loud CRACK echoed around the forest, soon followed by a sharp humming noise that reminded me of the Tracker-Jackers the Capitol had created. My eyes shot open, and I gasped. The sky... the sky was green! It shone with a bright light that edged it's way into my mind. I wildly looked around, trying to see what had happened, and my mouth dropped open.

"Oh my god." I whispered. My eyes widened in shock as I took in the sight surrounding me. I was... in a completely different place. Instead of the large willow tree I had nested in overnight, I was lying in my sleeping-bag on a flat rock that was elevated above the ground below. As I looked around, I heard a faint rushing noise that I hadn't heard before, and I noticed a small stream running northward. I struggled out of my sleeping bag and grabbed the bow that was perched on the rock nest to me. My backpack was still at the foot of my sleeping bag, I decided to pack up my stuff before I continued on.

20 minutes later, my stuff was neatly folded in my backpack and I had eaten some of the dried rabbit I had caught earlier. Stringing my bow across my back, I easily leaped off the rock and followed the burbling brook. As I walked, I hummed the quiet four note song that Rue had taught me. I wondered if she was OK... I hadn't seen her since the explosion. I shook my head.

She's probably fine. Still at the place where we last were. But hopefully she wasn't transported like I was... this has to all be a trick of the Capitol. I pushed down my misgivings about Rue and padded onward, my feet moving silently over the pine needle-y floor. The trees thinned until they were almost gone, replaced by the scruffy brown and green of the sandy peninsula I was on. But the brook continued rushing by, and I noticed that it grew in size until it was a raging river, white water splashing above the churning liquid like white pearls floating in the air. I stalked along, deep in thought, when I suddenly noticed that there wasn't any more of the same old land surrounding me. I snapped out of my daze and gaped at the amazing sight around me.

The shrubs had dispersed, fading into smooth black limestone that shined in the light of the sun. They were slick with water from the river, and there were little white flecks inside the black of the limestone. The sun shone with a brilliant orange color against the green sky, and a second sun rose in the distance over the North, it's rays of light purple as they reflected off the rushing river. But the most stunning part was the huge waterfall that plummeted off the side of the cliff. It fell down and down and down, the water clear and clean as it touched the base of the cliff. A shining lake sat at the bottom of the waterfall, it's clear water allowing me to see right down to the base. Brightly colored fish swam in the waters, and I noticed a beautiful silver bird flying above my head.

I don't know how long I stood there looking at the sights. But after a little while I noticed a strange man watching me from out of the corner of my eye.

Another one of the tributes! It's a wonder they didn't kill me yet. I thought. But I won't let that stop me. I have to win the Hunger Games! I narrowed my eyes in determination and suddenly swung my hand over my shoulder, reaching for my bow. My arrow was strung and aimed at his chest before he could blink. But instead of freaking out, he just grinned at me.

He had spiky brown hair and brown eyes, and was wearing a striped brown trench coat. He had a blue suit on and some sort of shoe I had heard about, but never seen... Converse. People had worn them from before the Capitol was created, but nobody wore them now, they weren't even made anymore. On his nose was placed an odd sort of glasses with two different colored lenses, one red and one blue. Behind him stood a red haired lady who grinned at me. He was twirling something between his fingers, which on closer inspection appeared to be a... gun? I tensed, but he shook his head.

"No weapons. See?" He dropped the thing and put his hands up. I relaxed slightly.

"Who... who are you? You're not one of the tributes." I said cautiously. He looked confused for a moment, then grinned at me. The red haired woman looked worried and kept glancing around.

"Doctor, we need to go." She said. Her hazel eyes studied me curiously.

"Just a second. We should probably look around first." She groaned but didn't press the matter.

"Who are you?" I repeated, tensing the arrow on the bowstring. He put his hands up in the universal sign for unarmed.

"Hello." He said cheerfully. "I'm the Doctor."

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