Thomas / backstory

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Tw: every form of abuse istg


Thomas, this around eight years old boy with silky blond hair that was long enough to reach his ears and eyes of emerald green was walking home from school, nothing out of the ordinary for a boy his age.

He walked, glancing around his neighborhood, he had a best friend Kev, but he was sick, so Thomas had spent the whole day mostly by himself. Thomas was rather quiet at times, he would get these things his mother called "being extra" weird way to spell panic attack am i right?

His school wasn't far from his home just a walk away, so in no time the little boy had reached home, letting out a sigh of relief when his mother's car wasn't outside. He went straight into his room, making sure his shoes were nicely put by the door and his jacket hanging from the hanger so that his mother wouldn't get a chance to yell at that. In his room, he got to work


He mumbled, Thomas was really smart for his age, he aced everything he did, his teachers weren't nothing but proud but his mother always found a way to complain, maybe the work sheet was too dirty or the numbers and letters were too big.

He got done with his work, it didn't take long because as said this kid was smart. He took out a batman comic book. his father had gotten him one since this time around they were a big deal, every boy had one. Sweet 1985.

He spent an hour or so reading, hearing the front door open and close, his heart began to race, if he heard a deep voice he was good but if the voice was clear and high like glass he would have to stop existing.


His mothers sharp voice yelled, he went into panic knowing he had to get down. He ran down the stairs to the front door where his mom stood furious about something. His mom was gorgeous, blond hair, curvy body and red lips and she was a lawyer, jeez she has the whole pack.


She held up the poor boys shoes, pointing at a dirt stain. Thomas was shocked he was so sure that everything has gone perfect this time but once again, his mom was unpredictable. She took Thomas by the hair and started dragging this to the bathroom.

"I can't with your fucking ungrateful shit Thomas!, I work hard for you to have nice things and you do absolutely nothing to show me how great i am!"

"M-m-mom i do like what you d-do for me, i do"

The boy cried out as his mother threw him and his shoes to the bathroom, his head hitting the bathtub.

"Here, you'll stay as long as you need to learn to call me the right thing, and when those shoes are clean AND! You better apologize!"

Thomas cried and held his head, looking at the shoes, that were in absolutely perfect condition even for being three months old, that's how scared he was of his mom. He filled the bottom of the bathtub with a bit of water and threw the shoes in there. Not feeling like himself, he wasn't sad, he was absolutely furious. He didn't have a clue of his split personality disorder (DID) that had formed for him when he was 4. He always thought he just had a friend in his head.

He began frustratedly kicking the bathroom walls and punching them, he didn't have any muscle to break through so all he broke was the mirror. His knuckles bled as he breathed in fast pace, he sat down by the bathtub again and held his wrist, everything hurt again but he seemed more incontrol. He looked around, knowing he was going to be beaten for breaking the mirror, but before then he had to clean the shoes so he got to work.

By that time his father, Everett had come home. He was a janitor cleaning the near by hospital. He took off his jacket and shoes and greeted his wife with a kiss, wondering where his son was.

"Darling, where is Thomas?"

He said while looking into the fridge for something to snack on.

"Facing his consequences"

The woman nodded, sitting by the kitchen table having her legs crossed and reading the daily newspaper. Everett nodded a slight worry on his mind. He closed the fridge and took an Apple from the fruit basket, and headed to the bathroom, he knew his wife put Thomas either there or the basement.

He pressed his ear against the bathroom door, hearing slight whimpering inside, he opened.

Thomas looked at the door in horror, his whole hand being blood red.


A soft voice said, and Thomas instantly calmed down. Everett glanced around, seeing his bleeding son and the mirror pieces all across the bathroom sink and floor. He walked over to his son.

"Thomas, why are you bleeding, and why is the mirror broken"

"D-d-dad, i...i didn't...i just... It got overwhelming"

The boy said scared out of his mind, Everett didn't know at all what to do or what to begin with.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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