Pda level

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JJ: 9/10 he is very touchy he always has to be touching you and he doesn't care if people see you making out or if people see him push you up against a wall giving you hickeys JJ honestly coundnt care less

John B: 7/10 he won't make out with you or anything too big around big groups of people he will hold your hand of coarse buts that's all around the pogues though he will do most things

Pope: 6/10 you normally have to make the first move he's normally too shy but you guys occasionally hold hands

Kiara: 8/10 she loves when you blush so when you are in public she will kiss your cheek or put her hand on your waist

Sarah: 9/10 she loves *teasing* you in random situations for example when you're trying to eat she will put her hand on your thigh and play with the bottom of your booty shorts

Rafe: 10/10 he will literally have s3x with you in the middle of the school and he has definitely tried before 

Topper: 7/10 topper is a gentleman he loves holding you so putting his hand on your waist or over your shoulders 

Cleo: 7/10 she tries to be subtle but it doesn't really work she plays with your hair on occasions or gives you a massage and you love that  

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