The Black Blizzard:

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I had a good life Papa owned a nice farm in Oklahoma. It was a nice and cozy place to live. I had never really thought of leaving the acres of farm land, I was always happy right where I was. But one day that all changed and everything was lost...
Papa was in the house fixing lunch and Kadalyn was in the barn playing with her dolls. Aden and I were in the cornfields playing around, laughing, having fun when I noticed Aden's smile had suddenly disappeared. His deep blue eyes were petrified with fear.
He was looking at something behind me. I turned around having no idea what I was about to face. I was staring at a huge wall of dust and dirt quickly rolling across the plains.
" Hartlyn run! " Aden yelled. I stood there staring at the tsunami of dust unable to move. Aden grabbed my arm and we starting running toward the barn.
We were running as fast as we could when suddenly Aden tripped over a rock and we both hit the ground. When I looked up I saw the tidal wave of dust almost at arms reach. I closed my eyes ready for the Black Blizzard to take me.
Suddenly I felt something shove me sending me tumbling down the hill. When I looked up I saw Aden smiling at me and mouthing I love you. Then the Black Blizzard swallowed him like a whale swallowing a fish.
I forced the tears back. Panicking I looked around for a place to hide. I found a small hole in the side of the hill and crawled into it. I bundled up into a ball and waited for the storm to pass. Dirt was hitting my arms, legs, and face. After what felt like a million years the storm passed. I unraveled and waited a little while longer.
I crawled out of the hole and ran up the hill hoping Aden had somehow survived.When I reached the top I saw Aden a few feet from me. His body motionless. He looked so peacefull, like he had no problems at all. I knew my best and only friend was now gone. I bent down and closed his eyes, praying he found peace.
Then I took off to the barn to see if Kadalyn had survived but somehow knowing she didn't. As I walk up to the remains of the barn I see bright red hair blowing in the wind. I walk closer to it and see Kadalyn's motionless body hanging on the stable door. Her head oozing blood and her favorite Lucy doll dangling in her hand.
I slowly back away from her, more tears threating to fall. I turn around unable to look anymore and see our house in the distance.
I run toward it, praying Papa was okay. The house is nothing but rumble. I see blood splattered across the dirt floor and an arm sticking out of a pile of wood.
Papa's wedding ring on one finger. I stare at the ring, remembering that two years earlier Momma had died a terrible death as well. I break down into tears my whole family and farm is gone.
I go to what is left of Momma's garden, trying to figure out what to do. I've decided that I can't live in a world without my loved ones. And as I hang the rope that will take me back to them I remember all the good and bad times. I've lived a good life. I jump from the tree, pain goes through my body. Now it's my body that hangs motionless as I rejoin with my loved ones once again.
The end...

Okay so I hope you liked it. I know it's a very short story. This was just a story I made up for a school essay and I really liked it. Anyway I know its not really good but I'll fix it later. So please vote and comment. I would love to hear what anyone thinks of it. Have a nice day!:)

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