Chapter 12:Alive pt. 4

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Tokuga:You are finally back to normal now,time for fun

Korra:Why do you hate me so much?

Tokuga:Because my mother was killed by benders and my father took me to boarding school due to my depression,I was tired of that school that I burnt it down and escaped,all students died hence they thought I died too and since then I've lived by myself although I had a mentor;Zafaar he had a scar on his eyebrow which he said was caused by benders and he was what I needed a father to me but he died a short time later

Korra:What!You can't be who I think you are

Tokuga:If your thoughts are correct then you are right

(An explosion is heard outside and all tokuga' s men are knocked out)

Tokuga:This is impossible 


(A few hours ago)

Kuvira:We should all camp here,besides it's already dark

Asami:But we should be........

Kuvira:I know you're worried but we can't search while it's dark and besides we all need Rest.

(Lin,suyin,tenzin,opal,bolin,mako,jinora and kuvira give asami a group hug to calm her down)

Asami:Besides we don't even know where to start,you are right we need Rest.

Kuvira:we'll share the same tent  so we'll talk 

Asami:sounds great


Kuvira:So tomorrow I promise I'll find korra  for you,that sad face has been there for too long


Kuvura:Wait I think I have something that can help,i totally forgot about it


Kuvira:I hope the Tracker I put on korra' s tooth is still there,May I have your phone I lost mine

Lin:Sorry to come in like this but here I forgot to give this back

Kuvira:Thanks a lot 

Lin:My pleasure ok sleep tight

Kuvira and Asami:Same

Kuvira:Ok lemme check,oh it works

Asami:Wise move but why did you...

Kuvira:It was for Security reasons in case she's taken to a different location without my authority guess I did good

Asami:That's more than good


Kuvira:Now we know where Korra is,so we'll attack with style

(They throw smoke bombs and knock out tokuga's men)


Asami:Tokuga,how dare you touch korra you'll pay and I mean with death

Korra:Asami don't

Asami:Why?He's the reason you died to begin with and I can risk that happening again especially that I can prevent it

Korra:He is your brother,he never died he survived the fire

Asami:It can't be!My brother was a sweet Child

Tokuga:I think the avatar' s mind is not functional

korra:What do you think I meant by you can't be who I think you are?

Tokuga:A bad guy anyway that means nothing to me

Korra:Zafaar isn't who you think he is,he is Zaheer he never died to begin with

Tokuga:But he was my mentor

Korra:Your big sister should be your mentor 

Tokuga:But I don't  have a sister,or do I?

Asami:Yes,is your mother yasuko sato?


Asami:She was my mother too,you're my twin brother hiroshi Jr.,at least you never died 

Tokuga:But why is my memory so blur

Korra:It's simply meditating, seems like he made you clear your mind but you'll remember gradually

Tokuga:Hope I will sooner,i guess I have to surrender now

Lin:In fact my handcuff screws are loose so.....

Korra:Oh I owe you lots Lin


Tokuga:May I check them I can repair them for you

Korra:Is he Really related to you?


Tokuga:Hey am helping her cuff me,she needs the cuffs strong

Korra:In other words Lin is not gonna arrest you

Tokuga: But why?

Lin:All the bad deeds you've done so far don't warrant an arrest since you are not of right mind and Zaheer was the one who started the school fire not you he just twisted your mind to think otherwise 

Tokuga: But how?

Lin:I investigated the cause years ago and it turned out no student started it but someone else,he wanted to use you that's why he took you in

Tokuga: Am so sorry for everything 

Asami:You don't have to,it's not your fault

Korra:I agree,are we gonna leave or we'll hang around here

Opal:This is indeed a good day

(Asami grabs korra then she hugs her then kissed her passionately) 

Asami:I missed you so much,never leave me again else I'll follow you 

Korra:This time am staying and I won't let anything come between us

Asami:But don't scare me like that again ok,I won't be able to bear more heartbreak again,it's a lot already

Korra:About that,we need to talk

Asami:Hope we're still ok,are you rethinking about us?If you have a problem about us we can talk it out,I can gladly change what you don't like about me 

Korra:Am very happy about us besides you are my life and I love everything about you and I'd never end things with you,I love you with all my heart and I'd die for you

Asami:Never put your life at risk for me,in fact am angry you risked your life and I know your main focus was me,trust me I can keep myself safe and I love you with all my heart and beyond,more than anything 

Korra:Can someone love beyond their hearts capacity? 

Asami:On my part yes

Lin:Can we all start leaving,and this ain't a romantic site

Korra:Sorry we just got overwhelmed,we'll talk at home ok


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