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By the way, this takes place 2 days after the last chapter. Also, lets just pretend that everyone who is casting already tried out and got in. Please?

Fwhip pov:

Slammed my hand on the stop button and rolled to side. . . Right onto the floor.

I grunt in annoyance and untangle myself from the sheets. I stumble(half asleep) to my dresser and put on orange shirt, blue jeans, black leather jacket, and welding goggles. The welding goggles seemed natural to me, despite all the weird looks.

"Gem! Fwhip! You're not going to have enough time for breakfast if you don't get down here soon!" My mom yelled up the stairs.

I sighed and grabbed my computer and homework, and stuffed it into my bag in my way down the stairs. Yesterday, Uncle Fwhip arranged to cast the next day. And unless I time traveled, it's the next day.

"How are you so sleepy? It's casting day! Bonus, Grian and Scar will finally believe that Uncle Fwhip is my uncle!" Sausage exclaimed rapidly. Sausage rambled on for 5 minutes, or something. I tuned him out after the first 2.

"Ready to go?" Uncle Fwhip asked. I paused, halfway through my cereal. I was outnumbered, unfortunately.

We all piled into Uncle Fwhip's car, and we drove off to school. We entered through the auditorium(because Uncle Fwhip would get stared at, through the front doors). Gem, Sausage and I ran off to class(nearly late, but we made it!)


After what seemed like years of math, science, yadda, yadda, I made it to casting time. We said goodbye to Bdubs(Gem), Scar and Grian(Sausage), and Pearl(all of us, she wasn't trying out). We walked/ran to the auditorium, where Uncle Fwhip had been looking at track records of the kids who got in.

"Hey guys! How was today?" He asked us once we were within talking distance.

"Eh, like almost every other Wednesday. Except you're here." Gem replied.

"Boring! I already know what 81 squared times 16 is! 144!(correct me if I'm wrong)" Exclaimed Sausage.

I shrugged, "As Gem said, any other boring Wednesday." I commented, trying to sound indifferent. Truth to be told, I love learning old and new things. I stay indifferent to prevent war breaking out(It's happened before, and when Gem got her blue belt in Taekwondo. Not good for me and Sausage.).

"Well, the kids should start appearing. Ah! Looks like some people are already here!" We spun around to see. Plenty of kids were coming in, either too involved in what they're doing to notice us or they stare at us before me or my siblings guided them away. Soon, everyone was sitting down.

"Hello! I am Fwhip Wither, and I have been asked to help cast your play! Don't worry, nothing else." Uncle Fwhip announced from the stage. Whispering broke out.

        "All of you will be getting a part, just don't be disappointed if you don't get the one you want. You can always preform for family and friends in the part you wanted." Uncle Fwhip reminded everyone. I nodded.
     This year, I want the new character, Oli the guitar guy. I wouldn't mind the peaceful guy either, just as long as I get a guy. I know Katherine is aiming for the sun princess, and Pix wants the goblin. I think Fwhip would be best as the goblin, though.

Uncle Fwhip pov:

I looked at the many kids sitting in front of me. I've never minded large crowds, but I don't like disappointing anyone. Especially kids. I hope it's clear who is playing who, although it wasn't last time I did this. I cleared my voice.

       "Whoever wants the role for Pirate Joey, please come up." I announced, being as formal as possible. 7 kids made their way up. '3 blondes, 2 brunettes, 1 redhead, and 1 with black hair. I wonder how many are named Joey.' I noted. I smiled at them.

      I instructed them to play their auditioning lines, and was fairly impressed with two of them. A blonde named Joey Graceffa, and a light brown haired called Joe Smith. They left the stage, and 1 hour later, I had a pretty good idea who would play who.

So! More play! How are you liking it? I decided to not say who is playing who, so cliffhanger? Also, I drew some fanart! Both terrible.

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 Hope you're enjoying this book! Happy reading guys, gals, and non-binary pals!   -Shadow

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Hope you're enjoying this book! Happy reading guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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