christmas presents

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Christmas presents
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen
Age: 7 years old


'Ashley! You'll never guess what I found! Mary-Kate came running into Ashley's room. "What is it? Ashley asked. She was sitting on her bed surrounded by all her hugs. Mary-Kate looked around to see if she saw anyone but when she saw only Ashley and her hugs she dared to say it out loud.

'I found all the Christmas presents. I think Santa is a day early. Narrated Mary-Kate. Ashley's mouth fell open. 'Santa's already been?' Mary-Kate nodded vigorously. 'Come with me and I'll show you.' She ran out of the bedroom and Ashley followed her. Mary-Kate ran up the stairs to the attic. 'Mary-Kate, we're not allowed in there.' Said Ashley.

Mary-Kate put her left index finger on her lip and gently opened the door to the attic. Ashley walked behind Mary-Kate and gently she closed the door. 'Why are we in the attic? If mom finds out she'll get mad.' Whispered Ashley.

'Look.' Mary-Kate walked over to a large closet and she opened the door. At the bottom of the closet was a bag. Mary-Kate grabbed the bag and from the bag she took out a packet. On the name of the package was Ashley's name.

"Hey, that's mine. Ashley grabbed the present from Mary-Kate's hands. 'Ashley, don't you get it? Santa has already been and he put the presents here.'

There was a knock on the door.

'Hide! Ashley dropped the present from her hands and she hid behind the curtain. Mary-Kate went to stand next to her.

The door opened and the twins heard footsteps. Ashley held her hand in front of her mouth. No one was supposed to know they knew here.



A soft voice sounded and the twins breathed a sigh of relief. It was Lizzie, their younger sister.

"What are you doing here? Mary-Kate came out from behind the curtain and Ashley followed her lead. 'What are you guys doing here?' Lizzie asked curiously. 'Nothing.' Answered Ashley.

'You're not allowed to go in the attic.' Said Lizzie. 'Neither are you.' Answered Mary-Kate. 'If I don't get to join you I'm going to tell Mom you guys are sneaking in here to play.' Lizzie put her arms to her sides.

Mary-Kate and Ashley looked at each other briefly. 'Santa has been here.' Said Ashley. 'Santa doesn't come until tomorrow silly.' Lizzie walked toward her sisters. 

'No way. That's why all our Christmas presents are.' Mary-Kate pointed to the bag of presents. Lizzie's mouth fell open.

'Why has Santa already been? He doesn't come until Christmas.' Lizzie looked at the bag of presents. 'Maybe he was busy.' Ashley picked up her present from the ground and she put it back in the bag. 'I hope Santa brought riding boots for me.'

"Shall we look? Mary-Kate wanted to open the bag but Ashley stopped her. 'Soon Santa will get mad.' Said Ashley. 'Yes, Santa still has to put the presents under the tree.' Said Lizzie. 'Do you think Santa will come back?'

'Or one of his helpers. ' Said Lizzie. 'How do you know?' Asked Ashley. 'He always does. The teacher told me that at school.' Answered Lizzie.

The three sisters looked at the bag of presents. 'What do we do now?' Asked Mary-Kate. 'Put everything back in the closet.' Said Ashley. She grabbed the bag and she put it back in the closet.

Footsteps sounded on the stairs. 'Someone is coming! Quickly the sisters hid behind the curtain again. The door opened and footsteps sounded across the attic.

"Is someone here?

Lizzie jumped out from behind the curtain.

'Hi Daddy!

'Lizzie? What are you doing here? Asked Dave in surprise. Ashley and Mary-Kate now appeared as well. 'Santa's been around. We found his presents.' Narrated Lizzie.

'Chatterbox.' Mumbled Ashley.

'Girls, what are you doing up here in the attic? Mommy and I had clearly said you're not allowed in here.' Sternly, Dave looked at his daughters. 'It was Ashley's idea.' Quickly Mary-Kate pointed at her sister. 'That's not true. Mary-Kate went first.'

'I don't care who went first. You guys know the deal. You can go anywhere except the attic.' Said Dave. 'Sorry Daddy.' Mary-Kate batted her eyes, and Ashley and Lizzie apologized as well. 'It's all right. It's a good thing we have such good sleuths in the house. I think Santa was lost.

"How can that be? Asked Lizzie. 'We live in a big house.' Suggested Dave. 'Maybe he couldn't see anything in the dark and thought the Christmas tree was in the attic.' Thought Ashley. 'Or he was too lazy to walk downstairs.' Shouted Mary-Kate. Everyone laughed.

'Shall we just put the presents under the tree downstairs? Then you guys can open them in the morning.' Suggested Dave. Everyone agreed. Dave grabbed the bag and smiling, he walked downstairs with his daughters.

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