Chapter 1: The Meeting

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I weren't so ready for going back to school and the fact that my favorite teacher Mrs. Jones was leaving made it worse. Mrs. Jones was nice to me at all times, so ever since I woke up I have been pissed and I didn't want to go to school but my dad would skin me alive.

I was dreading to find out who was replacing her. She had been here for the past seven years and she had been a great lecturer, helped students who struggles and assisted with adjusting to school. It was private college, funded by rich parents who wanted what was best for their children and big companies that handed scholarships to those students who performed excellently. That included me since I got here through scholarship.

Everything was excellent about the college but weird how students were treated like high school learners.

I never intended to go to a private college since I was not from a wealthy family or should I say have rich parents. I despised the idea at first since my friends began having thoughts of me like I was saying Hi I'm Dante and I'm better than you losers' but after sometime in here I had to do some thinking about my mom's sister who became my mom since I was 9 when my parents died and my future. She and her husband became my parents.

I prefer using Dante ever since my parents died, my full names are Dante Aiden Winters. I did lose those friends but I became a football jock and vice captain even though I spent much time with other jocks except during practice, game time or parties. During lunchtime I spent time at the library or with my three friends one girl and two guys, she was into arts mostly, Cassandra, the boys one plays basketball, Luke and the other plays football like me, Oliver, and I was dating a cheerleader, Alicia.

Mrs. Jones was a great English teacher and she made it so easy for us. I dressed in my usual Monday to Wednesday school uniform black pants with yellow or white shirt or T-shirt, Thursdays and Fridays were casual. I made my way to school driving my inherited Honda civic that my dad left for me when he died, I took good care of it very well. Getting out of my car I saw Cassandra standing next to her car bouncing her foot impatiently.

I wasn't late and not looking forward to new lecturers, Mrs Jones was always there for me whenever I had a problem that I thought would be a burden to my mom.

"Hey little baby." I said singly and she made a gagging face, then hugged me. Cassandra was beautiful, smart and creative in arts like me but one thing she hated was my girlfriend. Alicia was a pain in the ass sometimes whenever she was with her jock buddies and cheerleaders squad but it was due to the fact that they were jealous of Luke and Oliver while cheerleaders were jealous of Cassie. I loved all my three friends. Cassie's dad who's the vice principal and her mom was the dean in one of the schools. They were a part of the founding partners about 15 years ago.

The college was known for their successful and striving students who always made it out there. But sometimes it was the way that the whole damn college was so involved in a lot of things that students were a part of. They mad sure to help all the students reach their goals, if you didn't work too hard, it would be on you. They made sure to be in contact with different establishments just so they could help students with finding some will integrated learning before getting real out there after graduation.

"I missed you, Tay. How was the holidays? Okay doesn't matter now, will talk about it later on but now we have a crisis what are we gonna do our mommy is leaving us." She said it all in one breath and I thought she would laugh but she had unshed tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Cassie but move on and and see who would be replacing her."

"But what if the new teacher is rude or crazy or uninformed or worse than that one who was failing kids because he was once failed by his teachers in high school?"

The New ProfessorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ