♥ Chapter 11 ❦

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There was a Mafia car waiting for me in front of the school. I quickly got in.

"Congratulations," Akutagawa spoke. "Nakahara-kun told me." We were driven off.

"Thanks but why are you picking me up?"

"To make sure you make it to the Headquarters."

"I was going to anyway." I was a bit offended and just stared out the window.

The rest of the ride was silent.

I returned to the Port Mafia Headquarters, now a bit worried, not knowing what to expect. The Mafia had seemed to change how they dealt with me. I cautiously entered Sir Nakahara's office, and to my relief he was there.

"Hi, Chuuya."

He stood up and hurried to hug me, lifting my feet off the floor. It was probably a subtle hint at the exam.

"You did it, Eliana! I'm so proud of you!"

He put me down. I smiled. "Thanks!"

"And I'm so happy you have such a powerful gift. It makes me less worried about you."

He held my face between his gloved hands. Although I appreciated the extremely rare direct praise, I wanted to move on quickly before he kissed me or something.

"But I am not good enough friends with Bakugou yet."

"That doesn't matter that much now that you're part of class 1-A for the camp." He resumed to his place at the desk.

"The agency really helped us out that time, huh," I said as I glanced to my left, out of the window. Something shifted in the air. If this were a video game, the background music would have changed. Why do I hear boss music?

"How did you know that it wasn't the Port Mafia who did it?" His tone was stern.

"I mean- didn't you know?"

"Know what?"

He was walking towards me menacingly. I was backing up towards the door.

"About the Detective Agency," I replied.

Despite his short height, he towered over me. "I highly recommend full sentences."

"Alright, I'll tell you if you don't do anything rash."

"Fine." He looked unamused.

"The day after I found out that my practical exam was also used to evaluate whether I'd be suitable for 1-A I went to the Detective Agency and found out that it was Dazai who submitted the-"

"But why did you go there in the first place? You must have suspected it was the Mafia?" His voice was cold and precise, just like a blade.

I was silent for a second.

"HUH?" he demanded.

I heard a buzz and my body felt lighter. He activated his gravitation manipulation quirk on me but left me standing there. But the moment he wanted he could slam me against a wall or force me out through the windows.

I finally confessed, "I was sick and tired and wanted to quit. But when I found out how important the mission is from Dazai I finally understood and started to try harder."

"You should have given it your all since the beginning," he quietly reminded me.

"Yeah, I know, but I don't want to be here. You know that, Chuuya."

"That doesn't change the fact that you betrayed the organisation."

His blue eyes were dazzling. The way he looked at me with them was both comforting and made me feel uneasy. One side of his face was glowing because of the light from the huge windows, but his other side was in shadows like the Mafia.

"I'm sorry, Chuuya. But I'm not the same person I was back then. Everything is fine now."

"That won't save you."

"Do you plan to tell?"

"There's no need." He cancelled his gravity manipulation.

His look was telling. They had prepared for a situation like this. Sir Nakahara's whole vibe changed once again. I was in a BAD situation.

He returned to his table. I took a step back towards the door, but I heard the guards draw their guns. I raised my hands and stepped back where I had been standing.

"It's a pity, you know. I used to like you a lot." His tone was appropriately condescending given the situation I was in.

"I'm aware," I replied. "Wait, what? Used to?"

"You don't love me. You love that Todoroki."

"WHAT?" I roared. Now he was jumping to conclusions, although he wasn't wrong about the fact that I didn't have any romantic interest in him. I had just gone along with it for survival purposes. But how dare he anyways??

"It's obvious, Eliana. I could tell a long time ago, but now that I see that waiting for you is pointless..."

"Leave Todoroki out of it!"

"Oh, but he's already involved," he replied innocently. It made my blood boil.

"Because I had to befriend him for the mission."

"But you're no longer part of the mission, my darling."

"Everybody in this room, don't move a muscle before I'm safely out of this building!" I commanded with my quirk. I was unsure whether it was necessary to create such a chunky sentence, but this format of person + action + condition had worked for Monoma.

They were all frozen, unable to move. I had some time to think. After walking up to the tall glass windows and confirming that I was too high up for me to jump out of the window, I decided to pretend as if nothing had happened and walked out of Sir Nakahara's office.

On my way down the stairs I bumped into Akutagawa. Without saying anything, I just hugged him. "Thanks for the advice," I whispered. He didn't stop me or ask any questions. He just stood there in silence.

I took out my phone and dialled the number for the Detective Agency I had memorised just in case.

"Yes?" a man with a deeper voice replied.

"My name is Eliana. You might know me."

"We do."

"I am in need of your assistance. As soon as possible. Mafia HQ."


I wasn't completely satisfied with that word, but it wasn't the place and time to nit-pick. "Yes."

"We'll call you back with further instructions."

I reached and lingered near the main entrance. I wasn't out of the building yet. My only hope was that Akutagawa didn't enter Sir Nakahara's office. Or if he did, that he'd be too confused to act. But knowing Akutagawa, he was quick to react.

"Eliana," I heard his voice behind me. I turned. "What did you do?"

My phone rang.

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