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Lilly spat out blood as she was held by the arms by Morris. Oscar had on his brass knuckle that had come into contact with Lilly's gut multiple times.

"you done?" She groaned, shutting her eyes tightly.

"you ready ta talk?" Morris quipped in her ear.

"what does Snyder want'a know 'bout the clothing factory anyways?" She questioned without breaking eye contact with Oscar, who's lips turned up into a grin.

"oh, we ain't doin' this foah Snydah."

"Lilliana," A sickeningly familiar voice spoke from the shadows. "it's been a long, long time." The person to whom the voice belonged to stepped out of the dark corner and Lilly gaped at him.

She struggled out of Morris' grasp, who only held her tighter. "how sweet, a family reunion."

"you did this!" She yelled, her voice nearing to a screech. "it was you who got me dragged ovah here. Now Spot an' Albert's sufferin'... 'cause'a you!"

"now Lilliana, let's not be so quick ta accuse." Oscar faked sweetness in his voice, making her sick to her stomach.

She gritted her teeth. "don't call me that."

"we actually wanted Spot foist." He simply shrugged casually. "we knows that we couldn't jus' get him, so we needed bait. It was jus' so convenient that you's his best friend an' next thing we know, he was voluntarily comin' in heah... jus' fah you."

Morris clicked his tongue. "sweet. An' you was right, Oscar, now that Spot's heah, no newsie is gettin' out."

"People only see me when they need me- Brooklyn, nothin' else."

Perhaps Spot was right. Every single newsie of New York relied on him when they were in trouble. But when he was... then what?

Who was there for Spot Conlon?

"you wanted Spot 'cause y'all knew no one would help us escape."

"and she catches on!" Morris fake-cheered, in which Lilly rolled her eyes.

"so what's he doin' here?" She glared at the man who stood beside Oscar, widely grinning.

"our revenge... his fortune." Oscar nodded his head towards him.

Lilly scoffed. "revenge... on me?"

"well," Morris sang. "mostly yer faddah, but I guess you would jus' have ta suffice."

"what did me faddah do to y'all?"

"sweet, clueless little Lilly," Oscar started, faking a sweet tone which made her gag.

"I's like- 2 inches shorter than ya." She sassed, earning a punch to her gut to which she groaned.

"yer faddah was tha one who got ours arrested, remembah? It was yer faddah who ruined our lives an' had us stay wit' uncle Wies fah tha rest'a our lives!" He yelled, his veins filled with rage as he recalled the day that it all happened. "we- we ain't even know if he's still alive or nah!"

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