Baby Felix's humming

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(Baby Felix sings as he carried his magic bag in his house, he founds a picture of his great-grandfather Tristopher when he was young)

Baby Felix: Great-grandpa, I will miss you

(Baby Felix blows him a kiss)

(The next day, 12-year old Demon Yuri bought a guitar by her baby brother Alexander, so she plays it, Baby Felix hears it and comes to her)

Baby Felix: Hey Yuri, what is that thing

Yuri: Is a guitar, my baby brother Alexander gave me when my grandpa died 2 weeks ago

Baby Felix: I'm sorry for your loss about your grandpa

Yuri: Thanks

Baby Felix: So, can I hear it

Yuri: Sure

(Yuri starts playing the song, Baby Felix hums the song, Yuri saw him humming a bit, Felix hops into Baby Felix's magic bag, and hears him humming, so he comes to him and Yuri)

Felix: Wow, Baby Felix, how did you hum the song

Baby Felix: Yuri bought a guitar by her baby brother Alexander, because her grandpa passed away 2 weeks ago

Felix: I want you to lead you and Yuri with the music lessons by Luki, she knows music when she was a child, now she is 12

Yuri: Ok Felix, let's go

(Felix leads Baby Felix and Yuri to make some music with Luki, the end)

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