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I walked to gym class with my little sister, Tessa. "Okay, I have to leave you here since I'm not allowed in the lower Primary area, but meet me at my car after school, okay?" I told her. "Alright." She nodded. I walked to my class. "Elsie, your late." The teacher said. "Really, I had no idea?" I said sarcastically. "That's enough. Not another word young lady." She told me. "Word." I smiled sweetly. "That's detention. You can go now." She ordered. "Okay, don't miss me too much." I called over my shoulder. I walked to the principal's office. Inside were Bethany, Spencer, Martha and Fridge. 'Oh no.' I thought. I would have to sit between the two idiots. "Well, isn't this a fun group. Welcome to detention." Spencer raised his hand. "I just want to say I'm sorry." Like that would do anything. "Thank you Spencer." (Timeskip because they're all to talkative.)

"Are you going to help? Or are you pretty?" Martha asked Bethany. I turned the volume on my phone up. Bethany said something but I didn't hear her. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I pulled my headphones down. "Yo, you want to play?" Fridge asked. "Fine." I said. They had found a video game. "Sierra Annalyn. Assassin." I chose. They all chose their characters. "Oh my god! What's happening to your hands?!" Martha screamed as Spencer's hand started disappearing.

Alone {Alex Vreeke} {Jumanji}Where stories live. Discover now