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An obnoxious ringing shattered my dream world and forced me out of my slumber. Stupid alarm clock. I shut it off and sat up in bed, wiping the sleep from my eyes. Looking around at my room, I remembered that I fell asleep on the couch last night, which meant Dad carried me up to bed. He was the best. Figuring it was time to get my day started, I got out of bed and started my morning routine.

"Cassidy! Time for breakfast!" Glancing at my clock, I saw that I was running later than I thought

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"Cassidy! Time for breakfast!" Glancing at my clock, I saw that I was running later than I thought. Hygiene, hair, and makeup was a tricky business, and it was easy to lose track of time.

After I grabbed a hair tie for emergencies, I ran out of my room, yelling, "Coming!" I made it down the stairs with a smile on my face. Dad laughed and clapped as I model-walked into the kitchen, being my naturally goofy self.

"Yes! Work it! You look amazing, as usual." He kissed my head and gave me a hug. "Alright, cereal is on the breakfast bar, waiting for you to put milk in it, and since you didn't eat lunch yesterday, I decided that you need to start bringing your own lunch. This way, I know what you're eating, and it's less expensive."

I smiled and tightened my arms around his waist as I said, "Thanks, Dad. I'll start making myself lunch at night."

"Sure thing, peanut. I love you too. Now sit and eat. Quickly so you don't miss the bus."

I nodded and sat on my usual stool and started eating. As I scarfed down my drenched in milk cereal, Dad put the milk away and continued to drink his protein shake. After swallowing the gross liquid, he made a sound of satisfaction, and I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"Aren't there raw eggs in that monstrosity?"

"Yes. Yes, there are. It's good for you."

"Yeah, no. If I can't eat raw cookie dough because of the raw eggs, you shouldn't be drinking that."

"There's a million reasons why you're not allowed to eat raw cookie dough. The main reason: you don't need the extra sugar. You're hyper enough as it is."

I scoffed, feigning offense. "I am not hyper. I'm energetic, there's a difference."

"Call it what you want, snowflake, but either way, I'd rather not have you bouncing off the walls."

As I placed my dishes in the sink, I scowled at him, but he merely smiled back as if he won this debate. "Fine. But your drink still reeks."

"Does it? Are you sure? Maybe that's you. Double check." He came toward me, ready to force me to smell the drink, and I shrieked and ran away. He chased me all around the kitchen, laughing at his diabolical plan. We went around and around the breakfast bar as I practically begged him to stop chasing me. Stupidly, I thought I could out run him if I made a beeline for the door. I was sorely mistaken. I let out another shriek as he caught me around the waist with one arm. Holding me firm against his massive body, he lowered the shake to my face. I tried to push his hand away, but he was a lot stronger than me.

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