Chapter 8

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She opened the door and saw the boys standing there, whispering things to each other. When they noticed her they stopped and waited for the right moment to ask the important question.

"Ella lady, for you we built this house with a door knocker" one said trying to make a very good first impression.

"And a chimney" another one added.

"One, two, three" they said under their breath.

"Please be our mother." They plead her.

"Oh" Ella didn't know what to say. Everything happened so quickly, so unexpectedly. She was caught off guard.

"Well, it is frightfully fascinating" she said tugging a piece of hair behind her ear.

"But, you see, I've had no real experience"she tried to reasoned.

"Do you tell stories?"

"Yes. Me and my sister both"

"Then you're perfect"

Ella thought about it for a second. The pleading looks on their faces and that big heart of hers told her to respond with,

"Very well. I will do my best" she said to them.

"Hooray!" Everyone cheered.

A boy then approached her and put a blindfold on her head.

"Sorry about the blindfold. We must be cautious. There are some nasty characters around" he apologized and explained to her.

"If Hook discovers our hideout, he'll gut us"

"How dreadful!"

"Oh, we live for it!"

"But l..." Ella tried to say but she was interrupted.

"Time to meet Father, Mother."


"So looking forward to being your son"

They pushed through a "gate". She started to look around when the floor opened and she slide down.

When she landed she saw Peter sitting on a chair which looked like a throne.

Then she spotted Wendy sitting there as well. When the older sister spotted her sister she quickly stood up and hugged her.

"I'm so glad that you're okay. I was so worried" Wendy said.

Ella then turned to look at Peter. The known smirk plastered on his face.

"Welcome, Mother" He said to her.

"Discipline. That's what fathers believe in. You must spank the children immediately before they try to kill you again" he told her.

"In fact, we should kill them" he turned around and started running towards the boys with a sword in his hand.

"Peter!" Ella exclaimed trying to stop this madness.

"Father!" She stood in front of the boys while looking at Peter.

"I agree that they are perfectly horrid, but kill them and they shall think themselves important"

"So important" they quipped.

"And unique"

"I suggest something... far more dreadful" Ella said and filled a flower with a drink. Turning around with the item on her hand, "Medicine" she said with a smirk.

"It's the most beastly, disgusting stuff, the sticky, sweet kind" she finished.

"Kill us, please!" The lost boys said to Peter.

"Littlest first. Michael?" Ella said looking around for her brother.

" Michael. John. Our brothers!"

"Who?" Peter asked.

"Wendy where are they?"

"I don't know i supposed that they were here"

"Peter we have to find them" Ella said

Peter took the twins to the mermaid lagoon in order to find out what happened to John and Michael.

Now, mermaids are not as they are in storybooks. They are dark touch with all things mysterious.

If Hook had captured Ella's and Wendy's brothers, the mermaids would know.

"Oh, how sweet" Wendy exclaimed. Ella was so mesmerised by the scene before her not noticing the expression peter had on his face.

"Are mermaids not sweet?"she asked.

"They'll sweetly drown you if you get too close" he said.

Both Wendy's and Ella's eyes widened. Ella noticed a mermaid approaching them, trying to her hand. Ella unknown to the creature, gladly gave her her hand. Slowly the mermaid put ella's hand in the water, looking deeply in her eyes.

Peter caught that moment and quickly snatched the girl back, hissing at the mermaids making them go away.

"Hook has your brothers"

"at the Black Castle"

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