He didn't mean anything

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'Come in, First Constellation. Come in, First Constellation. Do you copy? Over.'

'First Constellation copies. What can I do for you, Silver Lightning? Over.'

'Silver Lightning? I never said I wanted Silver Lightning to be my codename.'

'Pen suggested it.'

'Pen wouldn't know a good name if it hit him over the head and stole his clothes. What else did he say?'

'Ahh...' Quil pondered, running through the conversation that had taken place earlier that morning. She'd been helping Pen and Kirin work on the ship, the three of them trying to figure out what could be making one of the hydraulics play up, and she might have vaguely commented on the fact Handen had made her fork out for the radio equipment because it was "her" business venture more than his, which had led to a lengthy discussion on... a few things. 'He didn't say much.'


'Anyway, how can I help, sir? Any tips- do we have a job?!'



'Not unless the Unity Front are going to employ us to kill Vandras.'

'What, and then investigate the crime? Are you suggesting we would falsify evidence?'

'I'm suggesting you'd commit the crime and I'd hand you over for the reward. Life isn't easy,' Handen sighed contentedly from the other side of the radio. 'I was wondering if you wanted to make a start tonight?'

'I'm not killing Vandras, sir.'

'But you could.'

'Over and ou'-

'NO! Quil- Silver Lightning? Do you copy?'

'For now,' she huffed, the chair squeaking as she swung it back and forth.

'What do you want from me?'

'From... from you, sir?' Quil's frown came through in her words.

'Do you want me to beg?'

The line went dead and Quil continued with her actual work, not thinking about Vandras and the last time they'd met. She had thought, really thought he could overcome the darkness, the influence of those shadowy figures around him, but it was Hinla's face when she heard what he'd done that had convinced Quil she had been wrong.

Sighting, she rubbed at her eyes and clicked her soldering iron on, the flame a beautiful glow against the circuit board she had laid out before her. The air sizzled with heat and she felt it bounce off her face, skin tightening as she leant closer and frowned, angling her hand just s-

'Quil! Oi, Quil, do you have my copy of Pen's last braincell?'

Kirin threw himself into the copilots seat, knocking her hand as he kicked back his legs and smirked, the sound of Pen thundering into the cramped space after him almost instantaneous.

'Kirin!' she yelped, batting out a fire from where the soldering iron had fallen, jumping back with a squeak as Official Pen Vairlight did what he did best and captured everyone's attention, bending down in front of Kirin and jabbing a finger against his chest.

'You,' he snapped, 'are a terrible student!'

'You're a terrible teacher!' Kirin retorted, folding his arms and biting back a smile as Pen gaped. Quil waited, red-hot iron held aloft, but she suspected her work was done for the day.

'I'm an excellent teacher, I'll have you know! Go anywhere and hear what they say about my teaching!'

'I don't see that distance will make anyone's lies more believable.' Kirin raised an eyebrow cockily, impassive as Pen bent so low over him that their faces were barely an inch apart.

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