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One afternoon, Sehun decided to visit Taehyung as he was let inside by his uncle then headed to his office with a smirk on his face then opened the door

" Hello V, Good to see you again " Sehun says with a smile on his face

" Fuck off, don't you have better things to do? " Taehyung replies as he was drinking his whiskey with ice

" I do but I just came to tell you something, I also want to get a good reaction when I tell you I'm dating your ex right hand man "

" Jungkook? "

" Yup, he's mine now so I don't want to have you near him "

" if I recall correctly, he hates you "

" He hates you more though, he's mine now and I plan on keeping him that way. Who knows? Maybe I'll marry him "

Taehyung raises an eyebrow as he tries not to laugh covering his lip slightly then Sehun looks at him in confusion

" What the hell is so funny? "

" The fact you think he'd marry you "

" Just you wait, V. I'll send a invitation to our wedding "

" Uh huh, are we done here? I have work to do "

" Oh right, your wedding is next week. You excited? "

" No I'm not, now leave "

" Why aren't you excited? "

" It isn't with the person I wanted to be with "

" And who's that? "

" Let me make this clear, Sehun. I love him so I'll let you borrow him at the moment but when the times comes, I will win him back and marry him "

" You're living in a fantasy world, grow up " Sehun says leaving

As night fell, Jungkook was outside his apartment smoking a cigarette as he blew out a puff of smoke then yugyeom heads to him

" Hey kook, I'm heading to the bar wanna come? "

" No thanks, I was a mess last time I was drunk "

" You need a distraction kook "

" No really I'm okay, go have fun or work either way "

" Alright, I'll be home soon "

Yugyeom then leaves as jungkook took in another inhale of his cigarette before exhaling sighing softly looking down

" There you are, sexy. I was just trying to call you " Sehun says as the younger flicks him off " Still a brat "

" Why are you here? "

" I want to take my boyfriend out, is that wrong? "

" Yes. "

" Babe "

" Don't call me that, go home "

" You know V is getting married next week? "

" and? "

" I just thought you wanted to know "

" I don't give a fuck if he's getting married, he has nothing to do with me anymore "

" Besides V, let me take you out and show you off as my boyfriend "

" Fuck off "

" You're so stubborn, what is with your obsession with V? "

Jungkook inhales a puff of smoke before blowing it out then throws it away

" I have no type of obsession with him, he isn't part of my life anymore now go away seriously "

Sehun rolls his eyes leaving in annoyance as jungkook covered his face looking down then heads back inside closing the door behind him

The younger slides down on the door sadly covering his face on his knees staying there for a few minutes before getting up and getting dressed in all black

Then he heads out locking the door behind him going on his motorbike wearing his helmet then leaves

He then arrived at a spot where the older had took them on their date as jungkook took off his helmet enjoying the breeze sitting on his motorbike before turning it off

The younger closes his eyes until he hears a vehicle approach sighing softly then someone came out of it

" Jeon, what are you doing here? " Taehyung says

" Does it really matter what I'm doing here? " Jungkook replies

" We need to talk, Jeon. "

" Let's not, I came here to relax " Jungkook says as he takes out a cigarette as he tries lighting it with shaky hands

Taehyung then lights it for him as the younger holds it blowing out the smoke sighing softly then the older puts away the lighter before leaning back on his car

" I'm sorry, Jungkook.. "

" For what? Choosing your estate over me? Or choosing your bitch uncle over me? "

" Both, I didn't mean for this to happen "

" Sure you didn't.. you chose your fucking business over me, you could've just broken up with me! "

" It wasn't my intention to leave you, Jeon! "

" BUT YOU FUCKING DID! You wanted to kill me, what kind of excuse was that?! "

" Jungkook, at the time I wasn't going to kill you there's no way I could've! You mean everything to me! "

" If I meant so much to you, he wouldn't be fucking getting married and you wouldn't be following your uncles words like a pet.. I don't mean shit to you and you know it "

Taehyung got on his knees infront of him as jungkook watched him in confusion while tears were rolling down his cheeks

The older grabbed his hands kissing his palms before looking up at him

" I'm sorry.. I don't deserve you, I see that now and you have every right to hate me but I do love you Jeon. Nothing will change that, I want to prove it to you "

" Don't, you lost that chance " Jungkook says moving his hand away throwing away his cigarette then Taehyung gets back up

" I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do "

" Wha- "

Taehyung places his hands on the younger's cheeks before pulling him in a deep kiss holding him close as jungkook was shocked trying to push him away

The younger teared up more melting into the older's soft lips wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck then the older moves his hands to his waist holding him close before they pull away

" I'll prove to you I love you, just wait " Taehyung says holding the younger's hand kissing it before leaving in his car

Jungkook looked down feeling his own lips having a slight blush on his cheeks before sighing softly covering his face

" No.. Don't do this to me.. " The younger says to himself looking down at the ground


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