Chapter Eleven

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Sorry about the probably bad Russian translations. I used Google translate for all of it. If there is anyone out there who can help me fix it I would love to hear from you.

February 5 - 2200 hours - Natasha's room - Stark tower

"If anything happens to any one of them I will never forgive myself," Natasha whispered giving finally to their arguments.

"Isn't that what I did after New York?" Clint asked her. "You can't blame yourself for injuries the team gets going into a battle they choose to fight to protect their team members and the world."

"But it's my fault there is a threat to the team," Natasha replied. "If I wasn't here they wouldn't be either."

"You can't know that Tash," Clint told her. "They might have seen us as a threat eventually anyway."

"I suppose I have to tell the Team all about the Red Room and their training methods?" Natasha asked.

"Yes, and you will have to introduce them to what you know of the Winter Soldier." Nick told her allowing her to change the topic.

"I can't do that to Steve, he'll probably be thinking that Bucky's still in there somewhere. It will crush him if I tell him that he is the Winter Soldier and tell him all of the things he's done." Natasha whispered, "If he manages to get Barnes to recognise him and breaks through the brainwashing then Barnes still won't be the same."

"You have to tell him the truth before he finds it out himself," Phil said. "He'll be more hurt if you keep it from him."

"Can I wait at least till the morning, I have some stuff I need to try to find first," Natasha requested.

"Yes, because I want you to look at this too," Nick said handing her the SD card. "Tony scanned it for viruses and trackers, it came up clean."

"Ok, do you know what's on it?" Natasha got up to get her laptop missing Clint's body heat almost immediately.

"There was a letter or something and a large file of newspaper clippings, news reports and links to video clips. Almost everything was in Russian so we don't know what it was exactly." Nick answered. "I would like to discuss what is on it before you show the team."

"I'll have a look at it now then," Natasha said bringing the laptop back to her bed. She sat down leaning on Clint again tired from even that short walk to the desk and back. She sat there for a minute mentally preparing herself for what she might see on the SD card.

"I'm here for you Tasha," Clint whispered pulling her closer again. He placed a quick kiss on the forehead as she turned the laptop on. "No matter what is on this card I'm not leaving."

"Thank you," Natasha whispered. The computer finished booting up so she logged in, waiting for it to load the desktop properly. "I don't think it is going to be a good idea for me to look at this," Natasha whispered putting the SD card into the computer.

"Why not?" Nick asked concerned.

"They will have put something on it that's 90% guaranteed to either break me, or send me running back to them to find out if it's true or not." Natasha replied.

"What ever it is, we won't judge you," Phil assured her. "We are your family now and we want to help you through it."

"You've proved yourself to us enough times that we know we can trust you. No matter what is on that card your place at SHIELD is safe, and so is your place in the team as well as in our family." Nick told her. "No matter what you have done in your past that will not be allowed to change because you are not who you used to be."

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