oneshot : mer . krok + reader . soulmate

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merformers krok +
gender neutral reader
soulmate au .

au : merformers ,,

genre : fluff ,, sfw ,,

warnings : almost drowning ,,
panic in the ocean

extra : reader has thalassophobia
language barrier

- requested

> word count : 1519


mers had a built in compass when they were born . being techno-organic ,, they were equipped with other things too . yet this compass had to do with their sparkmate ,, as it would lead them to their lost lover . it would turn off when they met . krok was one of the few who was born with a compass that didnt tick . until years ago ,, it started up . ticking in the same direction . yet no matter where he went ,, he could never find his soulmate . always there ,, yet out of reach .

he had been in a war during that time as well ,, having given up and focusing on fighting . he lost his pod ,, and those close to him . though that war had ended recently . he never stopped searching during it either ,, just not as much as before .

with a new group he was in ,, called the scavengers ,, he was able to look a little more for his soulmate . they were quite the bunch ,, misfire ,, the sea lion ,, whose poison darts would never hit what he aimed at . there was crankcase ,, who was a species of larger tuna ,, he had the biggest frown known to mers . spinister was a shark ,, aware and alert yet not aggressive like some sharks krok had come upon . then fulcrum ,, an eel that would give low voltage shocks when spooked . he had a strong distaste for humans ,, saying they looked horrid . krok himself was a seahorse ,, though a bit more larger than most . it usually minicons or minibots who were smaller ,, being guppies and smaller marine life . he'd been given many strange looks for it ,, but didnt bother with them once .

krok had seen few humans in his life time ,, as they were upon beaches but never too far out in the ocean . they were curious creatures ,, from what he had gathered from other mers . though no matter how soft and squishy they looked ,, some were said to be worse than overlord . some mers had been taken by them ,, tortured and examined ,, never to return to their pods .

krok didnt want to think of that ,, let alone experience it either . sometimes he liked to watch them ,, splash around and play in the water . it reminded him of the days before the war . the days where it was okay ,, probably not the best but at least there weren't dead mers everywhere you swam .

he checked his compass ,, seeing the arrow pointing north ,, towards the land . he tilted his head ,, confused as to why it pointed there . maybe he'd let spinister look at it later ,, attention drawn back to the land . he heard the warbling language of the humans ,, only understanding a few words .

four humans surrounded one ,, forcing them to back up towards a deeper side of the ocean from the dock they were on . they sounded frantic ,, eyes watering yet the other humans didnt seem to care . this was the first krok had ever seen ,, humans treating their own kind horribly . one pushed the other off the dock ,, all laughing as they fell into the water and panicked . flapping their arms around as they struggled to stay afloat .

they other humans watched a bit ,, making strange sounds at the one in the ocean ,, before leaving . krok watched ,, debating on what he should do . should he leave ? should he help ? he struggled to answer ,, only staying in the shade as he watched them suffer ,, water gathering in their mouth until they could no longer spit it out . their body sank ,, limbs faltering as they dropped in the water . without thinking too much on it ,, he swam forward ,, diving down after them . he scooped the human into his arms ,, rushing towards the surface and towards the land .

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