Chapter Thirteen | Out With The Old

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August turned into September, which brought cooler weather. Barns had announced that the camp end date would be pushed forward. He said it was due to unforseen health problems. In reality, he was getting use to his newly found power. I had been assisting him while still continuing my research. I started skipping the activities all together. But I still met up with Bailey and Eva. They've been concerned about me, even though I keep telling them I'm okay.

I understand though. I had never skipped any of the activities before. But I couldn't tell them what I was doing. I didn't want them to worry or panic. If anyone found out what was really happening, this place would descend into chaos. After breakfast I met up with Barns. The two of us went for a walk in the woods. Henry was present as well just for extra protection. But he kept his distance, which was nice. Barns and I were attracting all kinds of wild life.

Every animal that came up to us were eating out of Barns's hand. They weren't afraid of me or Henry either. He looked at me with a soft smile on his plump lips. Happiness and excitement filled his pretty blue eyes. "I'm so happy that I can go about my life without Malik inside my head." He said in a hushed tone. "You're free from him now Barns. Well... almost..." I said, hating that I ruined the moment a little. "I know. I just hope that we can find a way to stop him. I know what he has planned." He replied.

Even though he knew what Malik was going to do, he never told me. I'm not even sure if his staff members knew, and maybe that's because Barns wanted to protect us. Keep us from the truth so we wouldn't go into hysterics. When the animals finished eating the food Barns had for them, they slowly walked off. He looked at me for a while with a soft warm look in his eyes. "I love you." He said softly, gently brushing my cheek with his thumb. My heart fluttered and my insides felt warm.

"I love you too." I replied softly. He kissed my forehead before wrapping his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his side. After a few minutes of cuddles we stood up. We walked around for a while before heading back to my cabin. We did some exercises for him to do. Then he did some things that didn't require my assistance. While he was doing that I went back to research. Henry was keeping guard and make coffee for us.

Later in the day Sam and Agam joined us. Everyone was searching through books. Hoping we could at least find something to help us. After a while I decided to take a break. I added some firewood to the fireplace before making some tea. I ended up having one with some special ingredients. Then I decide to meditate. I thought that maybe it would help me think of something I read and forgotten. Luckily for me, it helped.

• • •

"Our families will be here soon." Eva said as the three of us ate lunch. Today was the last day of camp. Barns had invited everyone's families for a big send off. The staff was on high alert and on the lookout for Malik. Even though we knew he probably wouldn't show up until later. Everyone except for the other camp goers knew of the danger looming over our heads. But that was better than having them aware of it. We didn't want chaos to break out. Especially when we needed everything to operate smoothly.

There was a plan in motion, but it would be a while before it could begin. "I'm more excited for the harvest moon tonight." Baily said. "So am I." I replied after I finished eating. Today there were no activities or lessons. Everyone was able to relax and socialize. Say last goodbyes to the friends each of us have made. So I decided to spend my time with Eva and Baily. We spent most of the day walking around the grounds. I spotted a few staff members setting up for tonight's event.

A few older members of the camp were helping. They were putting up decorations and lining up chairs. It felt like the day was going my slow and fast at the same time. But the sun eventually got lower in the sky. Our families started to arrive, and I met up with mine. Each of my relatives that were involved with me joining the camp were there. That was what I specifically asked them to do. I wanted them all to be there. We talked and hugged.

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