Beach Trip

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Watching drama to relieve his stress, munching on his snacks, Mingyu was sitting crossed legged deep into his thoughts. Even though his eyes were stuck to the TV, but his mind was elsewhere wondering, trying to remember about that night. Suddenly he felt like his brain cells started workinh and a memory came crashing down like a striking thunder of that night. "I CONFESSED TO HIM" he was so loud enough that if someone was there at home, would have heard it, but to his luck Wonwoo was out for some reason. He took a breathe of relief. He was having commotion in his whole body, heart beating at a speed of a running train, chaos in his mind, not knowing what to do, what he is gonna do about it, he might have taken it the wrong way, 'Urghhh.... Why I am so stupid and my stupid mouth....ahhh' hitting his own mouth he ruffled his hair frustratingly. 'I will have to get this sorted with Wonwoo hyung as soon as i get a chance to.'

Suddenly, the door to their apartment swung open and Wonwoo came in. Mingyu tried his best to compose himself to avoid any suspicion. "Ummm... I just wanted to ask will you like to go to the beach with me this Saturday. Just the two of us?" Wonwoo was scratching the back of his neck feeling embarrassed about what he said. "Sure Hyung, I would love to." was a surprised and overjoyed response from Mingyu with a cute smile on his face showing his canines. Wonwoo felt like melting in that smile, how can someone be so cute and adorable he thought to himself. That smile brought warmth in his heart, he wished to protect that smile at all cost and never to hurt the person who he loves from the depth of his heart. Whilst Mingyu forgot about his worries for a little while, when he heard Wonwoo's usual way of talking to him, he was missing talks like these for so long now, which felt like years to him. He felt like he was on the top of the world. He was eagerly waiting to be with Wonwoo and his attention entirely on him, with no distractions. "And we are going to stay there for a night, so pack your things accordingly." he was suddely aware of his surrounding but was filled with joy after hearing about their stay near the beach. He was going to clear all the issues they had by talking to Wonwoo about what he remembered,whatever be the outcome. "Have a good night" Wonwoo said with a small smile while heading towards his bedroom. 'He smiled at me, is it even real or am I seeing things' Mingyu clutched his chest to control his insanely pumping heart, confused but overly happy at the same time. Wonwoo was ready to confess his feeling to Mingyu which he kept supressing for so long in very depth of his heart. "What am gonna do, where should I start?" were the questions that were lingering in both of their minds but there was a pinch of, no actually alot of excitement parallel to the same.

It was a bright and chilly morning with a clear sky. Even though it was the end of October but the air was chilly, it was not a time for a beach outing but it was best for them to avoid any disturbance. "Hyung are you ready? We need to get ready to leave at 9:30." Mingyu knocked on Wonwoo's door. "Yeh, I am ready." Wonwoo came out wearing a light white shirt with sky blue jeans pairing with it, looking insanely beautiful. Mingyu was mesmerized by Wonwoo, but snapped himself back to his senses, "Lets.....lets have the breakfast before we leave." "Okay" Wonwoo sat on the table digging into his breakfast thinking, how can someone look so handsome wearing just a pair of denim jeans and a sky blue shirt under the denim jacket, just the best view to start his day he thought.

After finishing their breakfast and doing the dishes, they informed their manager and Scoups that they will be soon leaving for their trip in few minutes through a call. "I will drive" Wonwoo went towards the door of driver's seat, but Mingyu stopped him, "Let me drive hyung, I like driving and I know you don't like driving so just enjoy the journey." Wonwoo nodded and went on to take his seat. The weather was pleasant just as anyone would wish for a trip, just the thing was it was the beginning of winter. As they were on the road, both were unable to muster courage to strike a converstaion, Mingyu just driving humming along the song that was being played, Wonwoo looking out of the window observing the moving trees. Both of them stealing silent glance whenever they got a chance to and admiring each other. The ride went silently as they reached a small restaurant to have their lunch after driving for 3 hours.

"What do you want to eat?" Wonwoo asked while reading the menu. "Anything is fine. I am just starving." Mingyu stated while rubbing his stomach with a small pout on his lips. "Cute" Wonwoo whispered under his breathe which went unheard by Mingyu to his relief. Wonwoo gave the order for their lunch, while they were waiting for their food to arrive, it was getting awkward as both of them were not sure what to talk about, as the atmosphere between them was so tense since many days now. They went for a small shopping by the shops which were lined along the coastline. It was 5 in the evening, when they were sitting on the beach listening to the soothing sound of waves hitting the shore with their eyes closed. It was like a soft music to the ears, which was taking their sorrows and troubles away while going back towards the ocean.

"Hyung" Wonwoo opened his eyes, humming in response while still looking at the ocean, which was getting dark with the approaching darkness of night. "Shall we go for a walk along the shore?" Mingyu asked while looking at Wonwoo who was sitting by his side. "Sure, lets go." Wonwoo got up offering his hand to Mingyu to help him stand, Mingyu took his hand willing feeling contented with the touch for which he was craving for days now. Walking barefoot on the sand, which felt so soft underneath their feet was so calming. But the urge to talk about their problems and to sort them out was there along with it. As if they were at the loss of words, both of them were dragging their feet to keep up with each other. It started getting suffocating, the air around them, but it was a high time, they need to clear their differences, so "We need to talk."

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