Chapter 5

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"I got mine 3 months ago, and I feel extremely mature." Josie said to the group of girls as they sat together at lunch. "I think the boys take me more seriously too." She added with a smug.

"They can't tell.... Can they tell? That would be awful." Anne said with a worried face. Anne had been telling the girls about how she started her menstruation the prior night, and the girls decided to share their own stories.

"Not.... Tell persay, but I'm not a little girl anymore and I believe that's noticeable. My bosoms are growing." Josie stated proudly.

Ruth rolled her eyes, Josie was just exaggerating as bit, she knew that Josie still didn't have any bosoms.

"Yet another reason why this is inexplicable." Anne frowned.

"I got mine last year." Diana said, and Tillie said that she did as well.

"Mine started half a year ago." Ruth added.

"My father started opening the door for me. It's sweet." Diana smiled.

No one seemed to notice Ruby looking at everyone in distress, till she started crying.

Ruth's mind wandered from the girls conversation in front of her. She often found her mind wander during conversations, her eyes found their way to the window, she tilted her head a bit to get a better look at the boys playing outside.  She had two brothers, she was used to the strange things boys did, like for example right this moment Billy and his friends were hitting trees with sticks. 

Billy glanced over at the window, noticing peeping brown eyes staring his way.  He stopped for a moment to get a better look at Ruth watching him, their eyes were glued to each others.  He thought it was cute that she was watching him, although he'd never let her know that.

"Billy what are you looking at?"  One of his friends spoke to him.  Billy finally tore his eyes away, and brought his attention back to his friends.

"Nothing."  He muttered and went back to hitting the tree.

The girls had joined Ruth in looking out the window at the boys, and they started giggling about how strange the boys were.

Ruth excused herself from the group and went to find Cole at his desk.

"Cole. I have something to tell you." She said, taking the seat next to him.

Cole looked up from his sketchbook and nodded at her.

Ruth looked around to make sure no one was listening and leaned in go Cole's ear to whisper, "Yesterday, I confronted Billy about the other day. And he told me that he wanted to kiss me because I looked pretty."

Coles mouth dropped open.  "Ruth be careful.  You don't want any rumours to start and for your image to be tarnished."

Ruth realized Cole had a good point, it was easy for rumours to spread in a small town, they were like wildfire.  "That is true, I should avoid him then, just to be safe."

Cole gave her a nod, just then the school bell rang signalling lunch had finished.  Ruth turned to go to her seat, her eyes caught Billy's as he entered the school with his friends.  She could tell his eyes fell to Cole, she didn't know why but she felt a feeling of guilt flood through her as he glared in Cole's direction.

Her friendship with Cole wasn't a secret per-say.  It just didn't happen to be well known amongst the people at school, besides her closest friends. 

But Cole was right, she should avoid Billy, he's a bully and could damage her reputation, so it shouldn't matter if he sees her with her friend. 


Meet me in the woods ~ Billy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now