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Disclaimer: Richie and Eddie are platonic Yanderes, meaning they're not romantically a yandere for Y/N. The main reasoning for this is the fact that they're gay(MOVIE Richie, book Richie is a different story, this is mostly based off the movies)

I forgot to mention everyone is in highschool so they would be around 16-17, 18 even maybe. So yes, they're aged up. I should've done so in my other book. Hope you enjoy reading<3

Y/N L/N, everyone in school knew her name for good reasons. She was kind, she never held grudges. Except, Y/N despised the bowers gang. they were anything but nice and cool. Y/N considered them horrible human beings.

they only hung around each other because everyone else hated them, Y/N included. She normally never hated people. The bowers gang were her exception. "Guys, I don't think spying on Y/N is such a good idea, Eddie said.

Richie snapped, "We do this so many times, Eds. I think we'll be fine." "Don't call me Eds! Eddie scoffed. "S-Shut up! Bill snapped, both of them shut up, when Bill got snappy, he was sort of scary. Not entirely.

Stan rolls his eyes. He was surprised Ben and Beverly joined in spying on Y/N. they knew where she lived. they watched her plenty of times. Y/N usually closed her curtains, though, even if she had, they would've found a way.

As Richie kept teasing Eddie it became more obvious that they had feelings for each other. Their feelings for Y/N were obsessive but platonic.

They just wanted to protect her.

Unlike their friends whose feelings were different and much more darker. Eddie did see how Y/N changed his friends so quickly, he grew concerned for them, but mostly Y/N. they saw sides of them richie and eddie had never seen before, never knew even existed.

Y/N smiled, sitting at her messy desk, busy cleaning her desk up since this was such a mess. Y/N didn't expect visitors, or creeps watching her. She sighed. "Someone is definitely spying on me. Fucking Creep, or creeps."

Y/N wasn't dumb. Far from it. She knew she certainly wasn't by herself. More so basing it off her gut. She closed her curtains. Now nobody could be creepy. But, they were intelligent.

And somehow managed to stalk her without Y/N knowing. And could be careful too. Richie and Eddie weren't quite sure why they agreed to doing this but weren't backing down now.

Especially since Bill could be quite persuasive.

Y/N heard her Mom call for dinner, stopping what she was doing, going downstairs they assumed. they officially called themselves, the losers club. Y/N smiled, entering the kitchen. "Hi, Mom, She said.

M/N smiled. "Dinner's ready." Since her family was one of the more wealthy ones, they were well known and respected in Derry.

Y/N sat down across from her Mom. Before the divorce it was more fun and less quiet. But the divorce happened and Y/N barely had anything to say.

It wasn't for a bad reason she just wished her entire family, well, D/N was at dinner with her too. Neither of her parents had remarried and deep down she was relieved about that. But eventually she knew the day would come when they'd remarry. And Y/N hoped that would be when she was an adult and out of the house.

Y/N began chewing on her dinner. M/N blurted, "How is your new group of friends? You like them?" "Hm? Y/N said, before she thought of her friends. Well, people she had been nice to which could be anyone. M/N added, "Your new friends. those boys you bike with."

"Oh, You mean them, Y/N smiled nervously. "I like them, they're nice." M/N smiled."I'm happy you like them. I was worried they would be bad influences on you." Y/N snorted, before giving her confused Mother a chuckle.

"No need, Mom, they're good influences actually, Y/N assured her. Y/N wasn't lying. they were good people. Bad influences were people like the bowers gang, who everyone feared. fhe kids feared, anyways.

Dinner went on peacefully, Y/N suspected M/N missed when the family dinner was complete too, She just would never admit it.

Y/N quickly finished and placed her dishes in the sink before heading off to her room. She didn't really want to go back. The dread setting in when she was in the doorway.

Mostly because someone or something was watching her closely. Y/N didn't really know what to do anymore. She was smart enough she'd figured out who but was too lazy to at the moment.

Why spend her intelligence on something that might go away on its own?

Y/N sighed, plopping down on her bed. She was too busy thinking about how to find the missing kids. That was her #1 priority.

"My life doesn't suck but does at the same time, Y/N groaned. "In the sense that I have creeps." Y/N should've known her kindness would have cons. More pros than cons but being nice means people think you're more easy to take advantage of.

Y/N knew this all too well.

She had been taken advantage of, by doing homework for people, easily forgiving people. Plus, some guys liked her but not for her personality. She hated how the world worked. Did anyone like Y/N for her? Not for her body or looks?

Y/N hoped someone did.

Once Y/N turned 18 she knew there would be more crepes and that's why she dreaded her eighteenth birthday.

It was coming up fast and she didn't know what to do. But she could celebrate without being so miserable which is what Y/N planned to do. M/N certainly didn't seem prepared for her daughter becoming 18 and moving into the next chapter of her life, Adulthood.

Y/N had been mature for her age her whole life, so nothing she couldn't handle. Y/N yawned, turning her tv on. Lucky enough she had her own. She switched through channels, out of boredom. Nothing good was on. On Normal days, she would've found something interesting.

But, this was not normal. 

Because on the channel, they were chanting Y/N's name, and the clown in the background was grinning evilly in her direction. 

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