Chapter 1 - Confession!

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I made the picture above it relates to the story
Also this chapter doesnt even have anything about drew in it but its background information for the actual story

Hailey's POV:

I stood in the music room fiddling with my fingers. I had texted everyone BUT jake to meet me in here. I was first, going tell them about my crush on jake. And second, ask them what I should do to confess to jake- if i should even...
Im not even sure if I really like him like that. But im sure i would be happy with him. and the thought of him not liking me back makes me wanna cry. Even now just thinking about that makes me tear up.


I jumped at the sudden noise. turning my head to see Zander and the rest of the club (minus jake of course) "Hailey! why did you ask us to meet here?" Zander asked slighty yelling. "Oh I need to talk to you guys" I replied setting out some chairs for them to sit. After we all sat down and got comfortable I started talking, "So-uh..well... I think I like Jake.." Zander was the only one looking slightly suprised. No one said anything for what felt like decades. "Well you were not hiding it well... so most of us aready knew" Millie finally spoke up.

I was just about to speak again when Zander yelled, "WHY HIM!?" Everyone jumped a little at the volume in his voice. His pants were a little wet from his tears as he gripped them tightly. "HE BULLIED US FOR YEARS AND WHAT- A WEEK WILL MAKE UP FOR THAT?" He did have a point...

Luke put a arm around Zanders shoulder and helped him up. And lightly pushed him out the door. Just before they where out the door and when Zander wasnt looking he turned around and mouthed "I support you" while giving me a thumbs up.

I turned to everyone else, crying. Did my crush really affect my brother that much? Sean put a hand on my shoulder and said," Dont worry hailey we are going to help you confess... if you even want to" "Whos we?" Millie said blunty. "As in YOU and Me" Sean said taking his hand off my shoulder, making millie mumble somthing to herself.

"So you'll both help me confess to jake?" I finally said. "FINEEEee..." Millie said wining before smiling widely and jumping out her seat. " Maybe we could steal some pink LED lights to hang up to get jake in the mood?" Sean said looking at the bland walls. " Thats a great Idea" Millie said jumping up and down.

I smiled too myself, Im so glad I have friends that support me no matter what


Me and Millie walked back to the music room after ste- er.... "Borrowing" some LED lights from the Drama club while they where practicing. We found that sean had moved everything to a back end of the room to make some space. "Hey were back!" I yelled to him. "Oh hey! I have an idea to decorate the music room" Sean had the idea to put the LEDs on the walls and put some words and hearts on the instruments. (Look the picture above)

Once we were finished I Texted Jake

🍑✨️ Jake ✨️🍑

You: Jake are you at school yet?

Jake: Yeah
Jake: Im near the front

You: Can you come to the Music club?

Jake: Why
Jake: Didnt you say the morning practice was cancelled?

You: Yeah
You: But its really important

Jake: ...

You: Please????

Jake: fine
Jake: ill be there in ten

You: your gonna come at 10:00 AM?

Jake: no like ten minutes

You: Oh ok see you then
You: Bye!

I closed my phone and looked up at Millie and Sean. "He'll be here in ten minutes!" I yelled while throwing my hands up. " OK we'll go walk around or something while you get YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND" Millie said while she shoots me with some finger guns. They both walked out while talking about something but I wasnt really paying attention.

I opended the LED lights and closed the normal lights. it looked amazing even if we had too much lights oon the wall that its literlly on the floor. Jake opended the door after 20 minutes. Hes still as late as ever, huh. He looked kinda annoyed but I didnt care.

He looked at the speaker that had I <3 you on it. He looked back at me and said, " uh, so- er, Wheres.... everyone else?" He kinda scratched the back on his head once again looking around.

" Jake, I know I didnt trust you when you first joined the club and treated you kinda badly " I started

" Yeah I know?..." He answered

" But... Jake these past few days with you have been amazing, and I " He kinda looked scarred but I was determinded to confess to him.

" and Jake I Love you" He looked kinda scarded and slightly smile looking worried.

Im pretty sure he does like me back but is to scarred to say anything. so i walked up to him, put my arms around and leaned in to......

Word Count: 873


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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