Chapter 2: Icarus

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TW PTSD, fighting, violence, swearing,
Please let me know if I missed any

People say that life is a roller-coaster with ups and downs, but life isn't nice to Tommy.

Life is like an ocean, and Tommy can't get past the impact zone. There are no ups and downs, just waves that keep him tumbling, pounding down on him, and dragging him through the sand. Anytime he broke surface he was gasping for air, waiting for the next wave.

It felt like he was dragged very harshly though the sand as Atlas came down on Ranboo, breaking his already weak defenses and pinning him in a puddle as he burned.

Relax. . . Painless sleep.

And Tommy shrieked as they flew off with him, the only thing keeping him from hurling himself off the roof in a desperate attempt to fly, was Rouge. He was holding Tommy on the roof as the avian screamed and stood there helplessly.

"Stop, Icarus, STOP!" Rouge shifted himself so his arms were around Tommy's torso, pinning his wings and keeping him there.

"They want you to go after him, you'll fall right into their trap."

"I don't care, I want my brother back."

"You can't fly!" Rouge reasoned, tightening his hold on the younger avian as his struggles became more desperate.

That seemed to hit home and the blond stopped, collapsing into the older avian.

"He's gone." The blond cried out.

"I know." Rouge chirped at Tommy.

"Go home, make a plan, Vespa is probably already planning."

Tommy nodded, trying to let the information sink in.

"Yeah, he'll have a plan."

Tommy helped Rouge wake up Slime, and with a salute, glided off the roof with a steely hope, and an idea.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You alright? You seem out of it." Wilbur asked as Tommy gave him his drink.

He and Tommy had become good friends in the time the blond had worked there, bonding over a mutual distain for heros, and a love for banter.

"Hm? Oh, yeah I'm fine."

"Where's your friend? The one who usually works the counter."

"Oh, Ranboo? He burned himself pretty badly trying to cook spaghetti."

"Doesn't he have enderian DNA?"

"Yeah, so that made it worse. Hot water doesn't treat him well."

Don't fail, don't see, smile with your eyes.

"I hope he gets better soon."

"Yeah, me too."

Swaying at the door, one hand on his side, one hand holding bloodied knifes. Eyes dull and clouded.

Tubbo rushing around, getting the med kit, and sutures.

Shrieking in pain as he laid in a puddle.

Be safe please.

"Earth to Tommy." Wilbur said, waving his hand infront of the blond's face.

"Fuck off." He said laughing.

Smile with your eyes.

"But seriously, if you guys need any help, tell me, tell Niki, we'll help you."

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