CliffJumper •TFP, OG Backstory and Opinions

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In the show cliffjumper gets surrounded by Decepticon
Troops that form a circle around him.

getting attacked from behind he gets thrown around for a few seconds before losing one of his horns, He lands on the ground before quoting:

"You want the horns? you got 'Em"

He fights with the decepticons for a few more seconds before one of the blasts from the Decepticons hits an energon crystal behind him blowing it up.

Next cliff is seen being dragged by the decepticons to their warship, Cliff is badly wounded when taken to StarScream in the next scene.

"So where's your master?" - after He says that
(CliffJumper not starscream just for clarification). StarScream simply replies with "Nevermind him, I am my own master." Before he kills CliffJumper just by using his Fingers. (sharp/Nails?)

But, What if he was not killed by StarScream?, what if, Instead of fighting the decepticons on his own he waits for backup?, or maybe he still gets captured but finds a way to escape?, or maybe even StarScream decides to spare him?, That's what I'm going to be writing about, I'm going to write about the different ways this maybe could have turned out for him.

I'm just so tired of CliffJumper getting killed off in pretty much every Transformers So it would be nice if he didn't die for a change.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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