Chapter 1

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Wednesday catches Enid sobbing in the corner of her side of the room against her bed, Thing gently touching her ankle in an attempt to comfort her, gently running his thumb in an attempt at soothing her.

'This won't do.' She thought to herself.

Wednesday felt anger filling her, determined to murder, decapitate and dispose of whoever did this to her as she walked over to Enid with purpose.

"Who did this?" She said evenly, kneeling down in front of Enid.

Enid hid her face in her knees and continued to cry.

Hating seeing her like this, Wednesday tentatively reached out, hand jerking forward with uncertainty, and touched Enid's hand, the touch being enough to get her to look the goth in the eyes.

"Why are you crying, Enid?" She asked in a softer voice, feeling the blonde's hand gripping hers.

More tears rolled down her round cheeks, and Wednesday couldn't help but reach out to swipe them away for her, catching herself, only for Enid to lean into the touch, Wednesday's hand now cupping her cheek.

She scooched closer, trying to help, despite feeling awkward and out of her depth about it.

"What do you need?" She asked, switching tactics since Enid didn't seem in the mood to share.

Enid looked up at Wednesday and her usually cold heart broke seeing her friend like this.

Wordlessly, Enid opened her arms and waited, searching for permission, a small barely perceptible blush on her cheeks as she sniffled.

Despite not being particularly fond of physical affection, she knew Enid was, and if it would make her feel better, then she'd do it.

Wednesday gave a little nod and Enid gave her a half-hearted smile in return before crawling over and climbing onto Wednesday's lap, wrapping her arms and legs around her as she rested her cheek against the raven haired girl's shoulder, her breath fanning her neck as she let out a small and stuttered relieved sigh.

Wednesday took a moment to compose herself before she wrapped her arms around Enid, hugging her back firmly.

"Better?" Wednesday asked, unconsciously finding herself leaning into it a little.

Enid took a shaky breath and nodded, hugging Wednesday a little tighter.

They stayed like that for a while, so long in fact that Enid fell asleep in Wednesday's arms.

Not wanting to disturb her, Wednesday asked Thing to get her a book so she could read while Enid slept, resting her cheek against the colourful girl's head.

It wasn't until Ms Thornhill came in to check on them, that Enid almost woke up, only for Wednesday to glare daggers at the normie teacher, making her back out and quietly close the door behind her, the blonde snuffling quietly as she nuzzled deeper into Wednesday's neck before settling back down again.

Her butt uncomfortably numb, Wednesday gently stirred Enid enough to get her to shift.

"Let's get you to bed, Enid." She said gently.

Enid grumbled sleepily, but detangled herself from her monochromatic friend and climbed into bed.

Wednesday tucked her in, only for Enid to grab her wrist and in a voice barely above a whisper asked;


Wednesday silently pulled back the covers and got in beside Enid, only for her to immediately lay herself between Wednesday's legs, her upper body laying on the shorter girl's, and put her head on her chest, taking a deep breath before settling in fully.

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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