Chapter One: Leaving

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Suzy O'connel drummed her pen in the small, ceramic ink pot on her desk, endeavoring to clear her head.

Next to her school assignment, was another paper- with just these words written,
"Dearest siblings, the news of our parents' death has brought me great sorrow. Unfortunately, I cannot make it to the funeral."

She was stuck. The letter shouldn't be so formal, but that's just how Suzy did things.

All of her siblings would be sad and brokenhearted to learn she wasn't to be attending the funeral.

She twisted the expensive, jeweled, silver engagement ring on her finger; it simply wasn't possible to go to the funeral with her upcoming wedding and tedious studies at college.

Her breath rustled the papers; she glanced up at the clock ticking on her wall. It was time for bed. Getting up from her chair, Suzy mixed the pen once in the pot, let it sit, shuffled the many papers around her desk into a neat, orderly stack, and made her way to the dormitory's bed.

The silk of her nightgown touched the floor as she gently got into the softly cushioned bed.

She cuddled the blankets around herself, hoping to simulate an embrace.

Suzy felt so bad for avoiding her siblings, but she couldn't go back. Too many memories would rise.

The thought of Lucinda's tear-stained face, Edwardo's shattering anger, or Petero's attempt to keep everyone safe and well cared for was enough to make her want to scream, drop all her studies, postpone her wedding, and rush home to Idaho.

But she was almost finished with school, she couldn't drop out now. If she wanted to prove Rupert wrong, she'd have to ace these tests and achieve her philosophical degree with flying colors.

Moonlight rushed in as sunlight disappeared, stars flickered in the indigo sky and wind hollered nearby.
Emily Wickett slept soundly in her bed across from Suzy, talking in her sleep every once in a while.

Emily was a complicated girl. She contrasted Suzy's hardworking attitude with a flirty, flunking one. Everyone thought Miss Wickett was the beauty of the school since she came last year, pushing Suzy off the top.

Which angered her. Suzy tried so hard to be beautiful, her thoughts centered only on her appearance and grades. Then, Emily, who, seemingly didn't try to look perfect as she did, waltzed in and everyone gawked at her.

The stars twinkled again, reminding Suzy that she needed sleep. She sighed, nestled comfortably in her blankets, and drifted off.

A bright, blinding sunray met Suzy's face and startled her awake.

She groaned and turned over. Today was her one day off from schoolwork, and she could sleep in. But due to her usual early rising, she could never go back to bed once she woke.

Outside her window, as she sat up, a beautiful spring day promised happy times with her fianće Ricardo Cain on their lunch date.

Her feet hit the floor with a small thud and Emily complained in between her obnoxious, earth-shattering snores.

Suzy's pale complexion shone in the white light and she touched her engagement ring lovingly. Mother always said one day she hoped her daughters would find amazing husbands, and Suzy believed she'd found hers.

Ricardo Cain practically had everything.
Looks. Money. Kindness.

As for Lucinda. The last Suzy saw of her, she was getting engaged to Matthew Davidson. That man had little to no money, no parents, and a rugged beard. He was definitely not Su's type.

Another mutter from Emily in her sleep roused Suzy from her thoughts. She made her way over to her bureau with the framed photo of the O'connel family and the mirror mother had gifted her back when she was nine settled on top of it.

Suzy glanced into the mirror. Messy dark brown hair, pouted pink lips, sparkling blue eyes. She frowned at her appearance, she needed to fix herself up for her date straight away.

A dust of rouge over her lips and cheeks and her face looked perfect. Her hair sat in a carefully placed Chignon updo, a few hairs purposefully let out to frame her face.

The dress she wore was a rich blue gown, ending just below her ankles. A pair of black boots, a pearl necklace, and she was finally satisfied with her look.

"I would've worn red. It's more trendy right now." Emily said, a frown smothering her thin pink lips.

Suzy sighed, "Well, I'm not you Emily. I like blue, it highlights my eyes." She turned to stare once more at herself in the mirror.

Emily shrugged, "Fine, don't be trendy. I'm just trying to help."

Suzy rolled her eyes, she doubted that she was telling the truth. Still... the red dress, her other option, that she'd laid out on her bed, caught her eye.

Grumbling, Suzy stalked over to the bed, picked up the dress, exited out of her current clothing, and slipped into the red garment.

The minute she'd finished buttoning up the dress she smiled at herself.

Emily frowned, "The dress is better, but, you really shouldn't smile so much or you'll get wrinkles early."

Suzy touched her face, suddenly afraid lines would appear by her mouth. Silently, she made a mental note to smile less, her excuse could be the death of her parents; not that she was horrifyingly terrified of wrinkles.

Emily, who was perfecting her own look by her dresser, spun around in her gown, "How do I look, Suzy?" Her dark brown, nearing black in the correct lighting, was tucked away in a half-up, half-down position.

"Dazzling. I'm sure William will be swept away just by the sight of you."
Not to mention your endless chatter. Suzy added in her head.

"Good." Emily said confidently, "His father owns an oil company, he works as a pilot. Basically, if this works out, a wedding could be in my future- and a lot of money."

Suzy nodded, refusing to smile, "That's a pretty solid, sure future. I hope it works."
Even though she wasn't very fond of Emily, she crossed her fingers for her. Finding a good guy proved to be difficult.

The clock on her wall stuck twelve o'clock noon and Suzy cleared her throat, "I'll be going now. Ricardo should be waiting outside in just a few moments."

Emily yawned and fixed her hair, "See you when you return."

Suzy was not looking forward to seeing Emily when she returned.

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