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I took my morning classes but skipped my afternoon classes. I was having a huge headache since morning. I made my way to the pharmacy to buy some medicines for myself

I went towards P-kim's house as I'm not going to my house today. My head is soo messed up, i   couldn't pay attention to my class at all in the morning also.

After 15min i finally reached P-kim's house, i ringed the doorbell and he opened it with a smile in his face. I went inside and sat down on the couch. He came towards me and hugged me like a koala, i hugged him back and ruffled his hair. He looked up to me and touched my cheeks with his cold hand

"What's wrong chay?"
"Nothing. I am just having a headache"
"Did u eat yet?"
"No. Did you?"
"No. Make yourself comfortable here, i will order some food for us"
"Ok, then i will take a shower first"
"Hmm. Go ahead"
"Can I borrow some clothes of yours"

I went inside the bathroom, my heart was beating soo fast but i don't know why...

I pushed my thoughts away and took a shower, i wore some clothes P-kim gave me, the shirt was too long for me but i liked it

I can smell his perfume on the shirt, i was smiling to myself then i heard a knock on the door, i grabbed the towel and went out from the bathroom

"Oww the shirt is too long for you"
"It's ok P-kim"
"It looks more good on you than me"

This man knows how to make anyone blush soo easily. I looked down at my feet and then again at P-kim, i smiled at him and he came towards me and grabbed the towel from my hand

I looked at him and he pecked my forehead and started drying my hair with the towel, As soon as he was done he grabbed my wrist and took me to the balcony

He hugged my waist from the behind and started kissing my neck, i giggled from his actions. He is soo cute

"Do you like someone?"
"No! Why?"
"Nothing! I was just curious"
"Oiii P-kim"
"You're soo adorable"
"Thank you"
"P-kim why are you still single?"
"Because I want someone special to come in my life, who will love me truly, who will always care for me, a person who will be with me everytime. I just don't want someone who will use me or will date me and then break me. I want my love to be my first and last, i want that person to be my first and last kiss, A person who just only needs me and no-one in this world"
"P-kim have anyone ever told you you're soo romantic"
"Ohh. Am I?"
"Ok, let's go inside now. We will eat and then sleep"
"Okay P-kim"

Mysterious Guy- |Kim×Porchay|Where stories live. Discover now