chapter 10

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It's been about 16 weeks since I've been pregnant and I have a pretty damn big bump.

My powers keep getting out of control. Derek tried to help me control them but it doesn't work

Anyways I still have to go to school and if I feel my powers getting out of control I have to leave the school immediately.

So today I wear an oversized shirt of Parrish and leggings, with white converses.

When I get to school, brought by Parrish, Lydia and Malia greet me.

"hey girl!" Malia says

"heyy, where's Kira?" I say

"she's sick so she can't come today" Lydia says

When we get to class I see John and we do our special handshake. Since Parrish and I are super close I've gotten a brotherly connection with John.

"hello Mrs Stilinski" My math teacher says "so how many weeks now?"

"16 and a few days" I say putting my hand on my stomach and rubbing it

"have you felt any kicks yet?" She asks

"no, not net. I think it starts at between 17 & 20 weeks" I say

"okay, well I'll let you do your thing and I'll teach my lesson, but if you need anything don't mind asking me, and if you need to get out of the classroom for a few minutes, you know where the door is" she says with a huge smile

I was in my last hour of the day and my head feels really dizzy.

"your pregnancy is not a reason to sleep in class Miss Stilinski" My physics teacher says

All eyes are on me.

"I'm sorry sir but I really don't feel good can I just take 5minutes to go to the bathroom please?" I ask him

"no, you should of used a condom" He says, all of the class starts yelling at him saying that I made the decision and that he shouldn't be saying that.

I feel my hand getting extremely cold and that's my que to go, Scott follows me to make sure I'm alright.

I can't do it anymore, I sit on the floor and put my hands on my ears

"YOU WILL DIE, YOU WILL SUFFER, YOU WILL PAY, YOU LIE YOU DIE" Harry's voice is going over and over and over again in my head

I was in a white room, with tones of people around a coffin. Parrish, Stiles, my dad, Lydia, Scott, Malia, Kira, John, and a few of my good friends were crying.

There was a picture of me on the coffin and Parrish speaks.

"to my wife, I love you Isabella Stilinski, I've always loved you, you are the reason I'm here today and without you I feel like I'm slowly dying. Now that you and my son, Jack, are gone I feel like I'm missing my hole life. I love you today tomorrow and forever"

"NOOOOOO!" I yell

I woke up and I was in Parrish's bed

"SON OF A BITCH! I HATE YOU HARRY I FUCKING HATE YOU" I yell at the top of my lungs before I start to break down

Parrish runs in the room.

"baby!" he says "are you okay?"

He takes my head and puts it on his lap, running his hands through my hair.

"I was dead! Everyone was at my funeral" I say "Harry either killed our son or he kidnapped him" I continue crying

"come here" He says making me sit to give him a hug

Young Love||Jordan Parrish x Isabella StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now