Wander And Sylvia

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"Isn't this the most amazing of amazing days Westley ol' pal?" Wander asks as the group is walking through the woods.

"I mean look at this place! Look at that crazy guy and that thing. What's that all about? Bet'cha don't get a chance to see this kind of thing very much do ya Wes?" Wander asks.

"You might as well save your breath. He won't listen." Alexis says.

"Well how about you then little lady? Isn't the scenary beautiful?" Wander asks.

"It is but sweet talk won't make me your friend." Alexis says.

"Aww. Why not?" Wander asks.

"Because I'm a bounty hunter. You'd just end up on my hunt list." Alexis says.

"Just becuase you're a bounty hunter doesn't mean we can't be friends." Wander says as Alexis looks at him.

"Stop!" Westley shouts as the group comes to a crossroad with one way looking peaceful while the other appears dangerous.

"Ooh would ya look at that? Ya know if we take that path over there I bet we'd get to see some incredible things! Could be a lot of fun!" Wander shouts happily.

"I'm not here to have fun. I'm here to capture my enemies. A couple of real bad guys for Lord Hater and also get a medal. BesidesnI don't need your nature-loving wisdom. I have the knowledge of the Hater Empire in my hands and it says we go... left. Left." Westley says as he goes into the cave.

"Remind me why we have to watch out for this whack-a-doodle." Sylvia says annoyedly.

"You guys are just letting him capture you aren't you?" Alexis asks as she looks at Wander and Sylvia.

"What was your first clue?" Sylvia asks annoyedly.

"You arent mad are you?" Wander asks.

"I told you I have no interest in helping Hater. I'm only sticking around because Westley is a friend. Other than that I work as I'm payed. And frankly Hater hasn't paid me to go after you two." Alexis says.

"Ah!" Westley shouts from inside the cave before the group runs inside and sees him being carried off by a bat.

"Westley!" Alexis shouts before Wander and Sylvia quickly save him.

"Enough! Now march! We can't keep Hater waiting. Ah-ah! This way!" Westley says as the group exits the cave.


"We made it! Yes! Westley shouts happily as the group makes it to the Mountain.

"Westley? We should probably stick to the trail." Sylvia says.

"I agree. We should stick to the path." Alexis says.

"Nope! Sorry I've had enough of your so-called fun. Ah!" Westley shouts as the group sees a flaming lion before Alexis rides up on Amber and grabs him before following after Sylvia and Wander.

"Huh?" Alexis asks as she and Westley see Wander and Sylvia laughing before joining in.

"Cliff, cliff, cliff! Do that awesome jumpy thing! That'll stop him!" Westley shouts as the group sees a cliff.

"Stop? Okay!" Wander shouts as the group stops before the lion falls into the river.

"Woo! That was amazing!" Westley shouts happily.

"Hey man. Thanks for leadin' me to this river. The old fire mane was flarin' up again. Happens whenever I get to thinkin' about stuff that makes me all mad, I just foom! You know? That or when I had too much dairy. Well see ya." The lion says as he swims off.

"Well how about that? Sometimes it turns out your enemy's not such a bad guy after all." Wander says as Alexis looks at him curiously.

"No! You think I can't tell what you're doing? You're just being nice to me because you want me to betray Lord Hater! He said you were cunning, devious tricksters, and he's right! You are bad guys! Well tough bananas. It's not gonna work!" Westley shouts as he begins to walk backwards.

"Tough bananas?! Westley we're helping you 'cause you're our friend, we like you! You and Alexis both. Right Sylvia?" Wander asks as he looks at Sylvia.

"Huh? Oh yeah! Yeah you're a pretty okay guy y'know... When you're...asleep?" Sylvia asks.

"Oh sure! Everybody's friends! You're my friends! Alexis is my friend! That fire lion was my friend! This giant cobra bear is my friend!" Westley says as the group sees he is under a giant cobra bear.

"Uh Westley?" Alexis asks worriedly.

"No not your friend! No, no!" Wander, Alexis and Slyvia shout frantically as Westley turns and sees the bear as it roars.

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