Chapter 5

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As soon as Angelo got out of his car, he was nearly thrown off black by Rick, his Labrador. He had Rick for as long as he could remember. A Man's best friend .Hey their buddy,I've missed 'Rick dropped drool all over his clothes Get in Angelo,before that dog drowns you with all that drool. He hadn't heard his mama come out of the house. Hi mam ,n kissed her cheek. I've missed you.

We've all missed you here n i think you got that point from Rick here. On hearing his name Rick barked like he was agreeing. He couldn't have care less,he loved his master. They entered the house. Angelo looked everywhere and not much change had taken place,except the carpet had been replaced with a new one,an antic chair near the fire place.

He could see a crack on the wall that no one had come around to fixing it. He remembered it and smiled. It had been his birthday party. He had invited all of the villages children. He had been running during a game of hide and seek when he had run into the wall. He had hit his head .He winced,he must have had a pretty hard head to survive that.

He only had a concussion that wasn't serious. They entered the lounging area where their found his father reading the local newspaper. He looked up and stood as they come in. He went to hug his only child.

How are you papa ?Am good ,just getting old and wondering when your going to give me grandchildren. Ah papa not that again .You know am not getting young,i need a little nipote (grandchild) or di nonni(grandchildren)before i die.

Don't say that papa, am fine the way i am. Okay,my two hot men,lunch is served. Lunch was wonderful but then again when had his mother's cooking disappointing. He went and unpacked his clothe. He decided to go out and ride his horse,Fire,round the ranch. Living in the city limited his passion for horse riding .Everything looked the same,it was good to be home.

Hi Sergio. Sergio had been the one who had taught Angelo all he knew about horses. Hi there Boss .Can you saddle Fire for me?Sure can Boss. Soon he was on top of the world .Racing with Fire was an extraordinary feeling.He went up a hill that overlooked the entire valley.

It was so peaceful.He cherished moments like this when he could be at peace with both himself and the world.It looked like another world away from his busy one.He wished it could always be like this but sadly that was just but a wish.

He found himself thinking about the woman he had given a lift,Angel.Her luscious mouth,beautiful blue eyes that put the sky to shame.He shock his head,she was just another girl and he would soon forget about her.Damn some things were easy said than done.
Link to where I moved my book.


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