Season3 episode 14 (prey) and episode 15 (this sorrowful life)

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(Hehehe look at the old dudes face)
(I skipped season 3 episode 4 because it was just Andrea and I'm having a brain fart, I can't think of anything)

All day I avoided everyone I needed to, I was gonna need to leave anyway. I need to find my brother and sister but I don't wanna leave Carl and break my promise..

(Andria you bitch, stop taking all the episodes! I wanna see more Carl and Rick!)

I chatted with 5 repeatedly, he always brought a smile to my face and we somehow never argued. 5 always found a way around arguing and says it just makes people weaker.

I was with Maggie and Carl distracting walkers, we yelled and banged on the pots and pans. I was wondering why I couldn't help but didn't push for any answers "alright, we're done." Maggie says as she stops, we all walked back.

The group went quiet as we walked, they walked beside us. I was walking on Maggie's left while Carl was on the right I kept my distance from the duo. Maggie looked sad and concerned 'I hate the place and I hate the people surrounding it, the people in it are a tad better but I'm starting to think nothing going right.' I thought.

I helped Glenn reinforce everything, we didn't talk but he did tell me what to do and what to do next. I felt guilt, anger, and sadness, I wish these feeling would go away but it wasn't that easy. Glenn went to Hershel, I continued on reinforcing "you'll lose your voice if you don't talk" Beth said from behind me "good." My voice made me sound like I was sick "that's not good, you'll need to communicate with the group. If you don't and things go wrong- if your bitten-" "then I'd kill myself, you all can take the weapons. Win win for everyone." I said cutting her off my voice still wasn't getting any better. I finished up the last chain as Beth blabbered on "hey guys" Carl said as he walked over "hey Carl, y/n say hi to Carl" Beth said as she turned to him, I flipped him off and adjusted the chain since I did it wrong "y/n!" Beth shouted "don't be a prissy pants just because Hershel's here." I muttered locking in the chain and backing up. Beth talked to Carl and occasionally asked if I agreed, I didn't answer so she said I'd agree. I heard a small beep, my walkie wasn't turned off. I quickly put my hand over the clock surrounding the walkie and turned it off "I'm gonna to kill some walkers." I said as I walked away.

As I walked by the walkers banged on the fence and growled, I stared at one of them, he looked like Cole. I remembered what Merle said and it pissed me off, I stabbed it's head angrily and went on to kill the other walkers out of spite. Merle was a dickhead so we're a lot of other people in the group but I'm not naming them, their dead ahem Shane. I killed more and more, one of which had their ring finger cut off, weird. I heard gravel moving but I didn't pay any attention until I heard a growl. My eyes widened as I turned to look, nothing was there I sighed and turned back to the fence. I kept killing the walkers until I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and swung my sword. I was stopped by them holding my wrist "it's just me!" I looked at Carl "jeez, never do that again. Your like a ninja." I said rolling my wrist away from his hand and pulling my sword away from his head. I turned around and kept stabbing the walkers "why are you out here?" Carl asked "killing walkers." I replied "no. I mean why are you out here" he made a stupid gesture with his hands ".. I'm not picking up what your putting down." I responded confused "why are you so distant now, why now of all times. We need you-" I cut him off "no, you need weapons, not me." I scoffed "no!" He shouted attracting my walkers, yippee. He glared at me "do you like Beth? Is this because I told you to stay away from her?" I rolled my eyes "no I don't like Beth, I like someone else." I glanced at Carl whilst stabbing yet another walker "who?" He asked "doesn't matter, hey look your dads at the court go to him." I said pointing at Rick "why?" Carl asked "don't ask why let's just go." I started speed walking "..alright." He muttered as he caught up to me.

We sat at the table, Carol had Judith whilst Beth and Hershel were on the other side of the table. Rick was standing up as Maggie and Glenn came over. As Glenn and Maggie stopped Glenn looked around, I turned my attention to Rick. He shifted his weight "when I met with the governor, he offered me a deal. He said- he said he'd leave us alone if I gave him Michonne." My eyes widened "and I was gonna do that.." Carl looked down as my vision blurred slightly "to keep us safe." I looked at the ground not turning my head there was a pause of silence before he spoke up again "I changed my mind." I looked back up at Rick hopeful "but-" 'fuck.' "Now Merle took Michonne to fulfill the deal and Daryl went to stop him and I don't know if it's too late." 'Of course it had to be fucking Merle.' I thought "I was wrong not to tell you." Rick looked at the floor "and I'm sorry." "What I said last year, that first night after the farm.. it can't be like that. It can't. What we do, what we're willing to do, who we are, it's not my call." He raised his tone 'my dad woulda wooped me for easing my tone, good thing that fuckers dead' I thought "it can't be. I couldn't sacrifice one of us for the greater good because we are the greater good." 'I'm not taking this seriously enough.' "We're the reason we're still here, not me. This is life and death. How you live.. how you did- it isn't up to me." 'I hate fractions, why must they add fractions to math?' "I'm not your governor . We choose to go. We choose to stay. We stick together. We vote. We can stand and we can fight or we can go." Rick then walked away 'I'm cravin pancakes with a side of death..' I thought before Carl jabbed my side. I looked at him shocked "how dare you" I whispered "you aren't taking this seriously at all, are you?" He asked "nah, I'm chosen whatever anyone else chooses." I stated as I leaned back "y/n!" He said in an almost scolding manner, I rolled my eyes.

(I felt so bad for Daryl in this scene omg)

Words: 1188

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