Million Dollar Houses.

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She's like a bullet through an ocean
I still remember how you moved, so slow.

- Million Dollar Houses (The Painter), Pierce The Veil.


"I swear to God, Zeus, and all of the Kami, Kira, if you've invited half the city I will not be held responsible for my actions." Lydia inspected the bottle of vodka in her hand doubtfully, eventually giving up on attempting to read the half-russian-half-german gibberish on the label. "And if someone ends up going blind after drinking this potato juice, you're paying the insurance."

"Lyds, do us all a favor and have some potato juice." Kira grinned at her over Malia's shoulder from her place on the glass stove top, ironically frilly socks covering the feet that ran up and down the outsides of Malia's thighs teasingly. They were positioned so strangely- Kira sitting on the stove with Malia standing in front of her, Kira's knees resting on Malia's hips and both looking at Lydia with condescending amusement - but it seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

Lydia chose not to address the way Malia bit her lip as Kira's breath hit the back of her neck. She had played the waiting game for too long to lose it now.

"I'm pretty sure I would see fairies and Jesus after two shots, so thanks, but no thanks." She turned away from her smirking band mate to shove a few cartons of juice in the fridge. "This seems like a lot of supplies for a regular-sized party. How many people did you invite, Kye?"

"A few people I met at the show last night, and that's it." Kira widened her eyes innocently. "Seriously Lyds, I love you, but you need to find your chill."

"Hey! I-"

"Ssssh. Chiiiiiilllll." Kira put on her yoga voice and stopped playing with Malia's belt loops in order to place her hands on her knees, like she was meditating. Lydia threw an ice cube past Malia's ear, and it hit Kira on the forehead.

"Is that 'chill' enough for you?" Lydia shot a grin over her shoulder and ducked behind the pantry door to avoid the ice cube that came sailing back. "So where's Danny boy, anyway? He went missing after last night's set."

"Well, considering that it's 11 on a Saturday morning, I'd say... currently partaking in the walk of shame or showering off last night's misdeeds. Either way, he better get his ass here soon to help us get the house ready." Malia scowled at the strawberry that she had stolen from the punnet on the bench before taking a small bite out of it.

"Are you sure your mom won't be back until Tuesday?" Kira asked, stealing the strawberry from Malia. She responded with only a small, flirtatious smile at the drummer when Malia turned around to look at her inquiringly.

Lydia looked away as Kira's gaze dropped to Malia's lips.

"Yeah, Kye. Positive." She looked back, and the spell was broken. They had reassumed their previous position of Malia caged between Kira's knees, the only clue to the moment before being the almost undetectable pink flush on Malia's cheeks.

"Okay..." Lydia spun on her heel to examine the To Do list on the bench. "I need one of you on fairy lights, and the other to go around and lock away anything expensive. Who's doing which?"

"Fairy lights piss me off," Malia said, glaring at the box that sat unnasumingly in the corner of the room.

"Good thing I'm great with lights then, huh?" Kira's hand fluttered on Malia's shoulder in what Lydia assumed to be an encouraging gesture.

Smash ×× A Stydia AU ×× Teen Wolf.Where stories live. Discover now