chapter 7: i know the end

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Monday November 7th, 2019 - 12:30 PM

Leah doesn't notice Ian walking into class ten minutes late. She's busy skimming the Wikipedia page pulled up in front of her—preparing to swing by Jeanette's after school—when he drops into the empty seat next to her. She quickly switches tabs back to the presentation she's supposed to be working on, and shoots him a side look. "Hey. Where'd you go?"

Ian doesn't look at her, too busy pulling his chromebook out of his bag. "Ben needed help moving his sculpture for the winter exposition."

"And he asked you?" Leah snorts. "I'm shocked you can lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk."

Ian, oddly enough, doesn't snark back. He props his chin under one hand and sighs, "What are we working on?"

"Uh." Leah glances at where the instructions are written on the board, needing a reminder herself. "We have to pick two themes to present from The Old Man and the Sea."

Ian follows her gaze, and his expression immediately sours. "Hemingway again? Ugh."


3:00 PM

When the final bell rings, Leah's the first one out the door. She bypasses her usual routine of stopping by Ian's locker so they can walk out together and makes a break for the bus stop stationed at EBAA's entrance. Her parents usually don't get off work until four, and with traffic it takes them even longer to get home. So she'll have plenty of time to-

"Leah, wait!"


Leah stops and turns around to see Ian bent over a few steps away, breathing hard, even though he couldn't have run more than 30 feet. He raises a hand in the air, the other planted firmly on his knee. "Give me a sec."

Leah sighs. She'd been planning to text him an excuse on the bus; she doesn't have time for this right now. "Ian, I have to go."

Ian looks up at her, brows furrowed. "Your bus doesn't leave for another ten minutes."

"I'm taking a different one."

Ian frowns. "Where?"

Leah shrugs. "A friend's house."

"Not to be a dick, but I'm your only friend." Leah glares at him, but doesn't deny it. "If you're gonna lie to me, you'll have to be a little more convincing than that."

"Fine." Leah says the first thing that comes to mind. "I'm seeing Fatin."

"Jadmani?" Ian scoffs. "For what?"

"Uh..." Leah wracks her brain for something believable to say, but she can't think of anything. "I'm not sure," she settles on. "She just asked me to hang out with her."

His mouth falls open. "Let me get this straight." Ian pauses for effect. "Fatin Jadmani asked you to hang out with her?"

Leah nods.

"Wow," he shakes his head, "who would've thought?"

"Okay," Leah deadpans, "now you're being a dick."

Ian breaks out into a grin. "I know."

Leah rubs a hand over her face. "Look. I don't have much time. I'll explain later."

"Or," Ian offers. "You can explain on the way."

It takes a second for it to click. Leah doesn't even blink. "No."

Ian checks her shoulder as he moves past her. "Let's go."

Leah refrains from stepping on one of his untied shoelaces, choosing instead to fall into step beside him. "Don't you have work to do?" she grumbles. 

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