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Name: Lucia Michelson -Morningstar
Age:24 (1000 thousand years old)
Esther Michelson (Mother)
Lucifer Morningstar (father)
Mikel Michelson (step father)
Freya Michelson  (eldest sister) - believed to be dead
Finn Michelson (eldest brother)-dagger
NiKlaus Michelson (half brother) alive
Elijah Michelson(older brother)-alive
Kol Michelson (younger brother)-dagger
Rebekah Michelson(younger sister)-dagger
Henrik Michelson (youngest brother) -deceased
God of Creation (grand father)
Goddess of Creation (grand mother)
Amenadiel (older uncle)
Uriel (younger uncle, deceased)
Azrael (younger Aunt )
Remiel (younger aunt, deceased)
Michael Demiurgos (annoying uncle)
Gabriel (younger aunt)
Aurora "Rory" Decker-Morningstar (twin sister)
Charlie Martin (cousin)

Luci (pronounced "Lucy")

Half demon
Half vampire
Half celestial

Gender: female

Civilian consultant, LAPD
Part Owner of the LUX nightclub
Princess of Hell (formerly)
"Helper of lost souls"

Daughter of Lucifer Morningstar (all but Mazikeen)
Soul torturers
Lucifer's and Lucia's Right-Hand (Mazikeen (formerly))
Bounty Hunter (Mazikeen)
Bartender and Manager of Lux (Mazikeen (formerly))
L.A.P.D. Civilian Consultant (Mazikeen (formerly))
Mystic Falls, Virginia (currently)


Powers and abilities as a demon

Immortality: Demons are immortal, they are immune to aging and any diseases. Unlike angels and humans, demons do not have souls, thus would be eradicated from existence if ever killed. Unlike Lucia and all other half angels, demons are not invulnerable, and they can also be killed through conventional means, as revealed in "Who's da New princessof Hell?", "it just takes a little extra oomph." In other words, demons can be killed by mundane means, however, this is much more difficult than it is to kill a human. This may differ between different demons, as Mazikeen, a powerful demon, has shown little to no fear of any mundane weaponry, indicating that she is more durable than the common demon.

Superhuman Durability: Demons have durable bodies, and are far more durable than humans. though, they can be killed by conventional means, but not easily and it would take a'lot of effort. Demons can be effortlessly killed by Demon Daggers Forged In Hell, the Flaming Sword, Angels, God, and Goddess. Demons are nowhere near as durable as angels.

Superhuman Speed: Demons have considerable superhuman speeds, they are much faster than humans and animals. They can appear and disappear as fast as a blink of an eye, move across a room in less than a second, and run and move from one long place to another within a mere second. Demons are incredibly fast, but are nowhere near as fast as angels.

Superhuman Reflexes: Demons possess remarkable superhuman reflexes/reactions, dexterity, and equilibrium, and are able to duck, block, deflect and dodge many things flying at them at immense speeds such as knives, arrows, and daggers.

Superhuman Agility: Demons possess incredible superhuman agility, flexibility, balance, coordination and alertness, and are able to move superhumanly quick. They are able jump, climb, flip, dodge, and duck supernaturally quick and easily, and they can move much quicker than humans and animals.

Possession: Demons are able to possess the body of a recently deceased human, but can only do so for the bodies of doomed souls that were sent to Hell, otherwise they will not know where or when a vacant body is available. They also only have access to this ability while they themselves are in Hell. However, Mazikeen claims that Lucifer banned possession centuries ago. There are however limits to this ability as when the demon Gromos entered the body of Vernon Gill after he was hit by a car in order to deliver a message to the Detective he was only able to remain there for a short time because according to him Vernon's body was "too jacked up to keep working."

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