320: A little rant

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Please stop telling me to stop apologising. You see, you don't understand what's going on in my head. I am told by my own mind that everything is my fault, that my friends hate me, that everything I do upsets and disappoints people. I have serious trust issues and the thought of losing those closest to me terrifies me. I say sorry a lot. So what? That is purely because I am scared of losing you. It's because I feel I've done something wrong. Or I've upset you in some way. It's because my mind is telling me to. It's almost a reflex action. So when you tell me to stop saying sorry, it messes with me. Because part of me wants to do what you want so that I don't lose you. But I've clearly upset or annoyed you with my overuse of the 's' word and I feel compelled to apologise for that. You see my problem now? So please, stop telling me to quit apologising.

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