Chapter 5: Shared

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Walking Kali to class, I was flooded with emotions-hers. I don't think I'd ever let someone's emotions in like I did Kalista LaFontain's. She made everyone else fall away, forcing me to focus on her and her only. It was a bit of a relief, actually. I don't know if that's what made me want to be around her or if it was something more.

When we stopped at her classroom door, I wish I'd have walked slower. All I thought about was when I'd get to see her again, which confused me. I never wanted to be around anyone, even Zander, like I wanted to be around her. Zander was comfort, like iced tea, where Kali was more like hot chocolate, heating me from the inside; I craved that sweet warmth.

Before I walked away, I wanted to kiss her, but didn't, playing with her hair instead. Her eyes were brighter today, more green than hazel, as they stared back up at me, suppressing the excitement that had engulfed her when I asked her out. I loved that I made her feel that way, but also hated it at the same time. I'd always been in control of my emotions, yet she seemed to obliterate that.

As I left her standing in the hall, I felt her eyes-and desire-following me as I reluctantly walked away. I couldn't help but smile, knowing what I was about to do. Leave it to her to make me do something crazy and a bit out of control. If asking her out excited her, I could only imagine how this would make her feel.

My pace quickened, knowing I wouldn't have much time before the next class would be piling in. When I got to the lab, I was glad to see it empty. I stood on a chair and hung my jacket over the camera that faced this side of the room, hoping no one would notice until I was done as I walked to the back, where the science projects were held, and looked for Kali's name. When I found it, I understood why she was so attached to her hybrid-it was rather cute. I'd had to raise one last year only to have to dissect it, so I knew how she felt. They never lived long, but having to dissect something you'd raised wasn't pleasant, even if they did die of natural causes. Lucky for her, her hybrid was about to escape.

As I lifted the lid and reached into the tank, I was surprised it didn't try to jump away. It looked like a small rabbit, but had the legs and feet of a frog. When I picked it up, its skin felt odd, like velvet, making me want to put it back down. It didn't fight me, probably used to Kali petting on it, so I hurried and headed back toward the camera, pulling my jacket down and wrapping it loosely around the hybrid so I wouldn't smother it. Like it knew I was saving it, it laid completely still in my arms as I carried it to my Jeep. I let it loose in the box I'd brought, where it hopped around a few times before settling down in the corner. I put a lid over it, hoping it would be okay until school was over.

Kali hadn't planned on meeting me again, so when I met her after last class she was a bit surprised. "Follow me," I told her as I grabbed her hand, which was a move she seemed to really approve of.

"Follow you where?" The elation of me holding her hand was replaced by nervousness.

"To your car." I glanced at her and smiled. "After we make a quick stop at mine."

"Okay." She looked at me skeptically, but continued to let me lead her.

Once we got to my Jeep and I opened the door, I was the one who was nervous, hoping I'd done the right thing. "Last year, I had to do somethin' that I didn't want you to have to do." I pulled the box out of my back seat, lifted the lid off, and handed it to her, waiting to feel her reaction.

Relief flooded me when I felt the joy that spread into a big smile across her face. "How did you get it?"

"I have my ways."

"Oh, my gosh!" I thought she was gonna cry. "I can't believe you did this!"

"Let's get it to your car before someone sees it."

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