Chapter 6

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Shayla felt it first, the shocked had absorbed the impact, her eyes widened, her mouth dropped open as she toppled forwards into Hunnicut's outstretched arm.

"Shayla?" he exclaimed hoping somehow this wasn't happening.

Shayla could feel the blood trickling out of the wound, there was a pins and needles feeling around the top of her back where the tiny metal ball had wedged itself in. The shock was wearing thin and she was beginning to feel the excoriating pain that the bullet had caused. She could feel herself fluttering in and out of consciousness; her eyes were trying to stay open but failing rapidly.

Another gunshot. This time much closer. Frazer Green had rescued his rifle from Shayla's hands and fired upon her assailant. His aim was flawless.

"Stop it!" Hunnicut yelled at him, hating the agony being inflicted by both parties. It was enough that one was wounded from it let alone another.

 The Lieutenant lowered his arm; he had achieved his target anyway.

"Shayla, can you hear me? Shayla? We need to get you back to the jeep, try to stay with me." Hunnicut held Shayla's head in his hands trying to get a response from her.

Shayla heard Hunnicut's voice but she had no strength to talk back. She didn't even have the strength to nod.

Sensing he wasn't going to get anything as a response, Hunnicut thought quickly and began to carefully lift Shayla up into his arms being careful not put his arm anywhere near the wound.

"I'll take her first, stay here, I'll come back for you, be ready." Hunnicut ordered. He didn't wait for an acknowledgement, heading straight away to the jeep. He couldn't waste time; Shayla was in a very bad condition, time was crucial.

While waiting the Lieutenant grabbed the equipment bag and slung it over his left shoulder, holding onto the rocks, he started to shuffle himself along, wanting to help as much as he could. Every step was painful but he reasoned that if he kept going it would soon be relieved.

Hunnicut laid Shayla in front passenger seat; he positioned her so she was sideways and the wound was visible. He had to keep her under his constant watch. Any more loss of blood could be fatal. Examining the wound briefly Hunnicut determined that he'd need a compress of some sorts on the wound to reduce the blood flow.

"Doctor!" it was the Lieutenant who had amazingly managed to shuffle pretty much all the way to the jeep.

Hunnicut rushed to aid Lieutenant Green, taking the equipment bag off his shoulder and slinging it around his own and then putting his arm around the invalid he supported him to the jeep.

"What didn't you get from 'stay there, I'll come back for you'?" Hunnicut asked jokingly.

"Thought I'd try and help you out." The Lieutenant replied honestly.

"Yeah well, back home there's this thing called doctor's orders, people usually follow them, invariably turns out for the best." Hunnicut added lightening the mood momentarily.

Frazer Green just smiled as he was assisted into the back seat of the jeep. He arranged himself so his injured foot was up on the seat and as comfortable as it would let him be.

Hunnicut searched through the equipment bag before putting it back in the jeep, he found some more bandages from which he folded into rough, large square to use as a compress. Instructing Frazer Green to press the makeshift compress onto Shayla's wound and keep it there until there reached the M*A*S*H camp, Hunnicut jumped into the jeep and set off as fast as he could feasibly allow himself to.

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