Chapter 4: Confusing Unexplainable Stupid Teenage Feelings

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(Wow, would you believe that? I actually posted something! I hope you enjoy the uh- read and what not. My heart goes out to you guys, thank you for almost 1000 views! i never really expected it to be this amount of popular <3)


The snow outside was already melting, but there was still another snowstorm due for the week, which she found great joy in as the earth's white and cold powder was her and Abigail's favorite thing to watch fall down together. Wendy sat up from her bed and sat on the edge of it, getting lost in the vision of the outside blanket of snow carefully and slowly melting into the ground and making some grass patches visible. She closed her eyes and tried to go back to a certain place; a  calm place where she didn't have to be afraid, or feel anything apart from happiness.

Abigail kicked her legs in the air and held Wendy's hand as they both looked outside, watching the beautiful and white snow fall onto the ground, and watching as their father slipped on the ice outside, landing on his back and yelling out in frustration. Wendy never quite understood why the two of them really loved the snow, but it was something that both of them could enjoy without arguing. Abigail always used to be the one who dressed up the dolls, and Wendy was the one to tear off their plastic limbs, and they almost lived in perfect harmony. That was, until the incident happened.

They never found Abigail, let alone a single trace of her apart from a small artificial flower, that was given to her by Wendy for her birthday, an accessory which Wendy had snatched from the initial investigation. Some nights she kept herself awake, thinking that maybe if she had turned in the flower they could have found some DNA on who, let alone what could have caused it?  She never let go of it for a few years, and she made sure to wear it constantly, having it be part of her. Although it brought Wendy great sadness, she always made sure to have it on hand; for Abigail's sake. 

She watched as the little Wendy and Abigail ran off to go and help their clumsy father. She knew deep down, that the innocent little girl that Wendy used to be was forever gone ever since Abigail went missing. She knew that she will never have another natural smile, let alone someone as close to her as Abigail was. Just as fast as the sadness came, another feeling came to her. Webber.


Webber glanced at his phone every three minutes, checking to see if Wendy had messaged him back. He was the type of person to send a million texts and then expect the other person to do the same. However, he was very patient for Wendy, as he knew that she could be busy... mourning. Ever since Wendy had opened up to Webber, he tried his best to be more understanding of her situation, and usually tried to be there for her. It was clear that she cared for him too, and he knew this because of their moments spent together.

A small high-pitched squeal radiated from Webber's mouth and nose as he remember the feeling of Wendy's soft hand, which caused him to bury his head into his pillow and hide it with the blankets. Webber saw Wendy as a friend... but how much of a friend did he really see in her? The awkward and intensive doubts flooded into his mind: 'You're stupid to believe that she actually likes you, let alone as a friend.' 'What if she does like you back, but you're too scared to even ask her?' 'A human girl could never like a spider boy.'

Webber sat down in the snow with his padded pants, and began speaking to his other best friend. "So, I met this girl right? She's like... really cool! She does all these cool stuff, she likes the snow, just like me! She even made me a flower crown, but when I tried my best to preserve it, it died and then I felt really bad and I don't know if I should talk to her about it." He let out a long exhale after spewing all of this information. "S-Sorry for putting this all on you.. I wasn't really quite sure who I could tell nowadays. Thanks for being here, Jerry."

He gave his friend a fist-bump, connecting his fuzzy fist with their stick hand, causing their entire foundation to fall over and combine with the snow on the ground. Webber found comfort in  making snowmen and talking to them, since they couldn't judge him at all! However, it was very emotionally tearing once he did have to knock them over, however. He got up and brushed himself off, taking off his jacket and and padded pants. "Hey mom, can I go hang out with a friend later if they say that they want to?"


She carefully brushed off the bench that she was going to sit on, making sure that there was enough room for two to sit together. Extraordinary events like what happened that early morning will not fade for a while, and it made her brain begin turning the cogs and thinking about her future, past, and present. She got back and scooted the snow over, so that the opening space for Webber would be slightly closer to where she was sitting.

"Hi, Wendy! How are you?" Webber asked, sitting down on the bench and not being bothered at being so close to Wendy. "I'm uh- doing fine. How are you?" Wendy responded, her face being mostly covered with a scarf which somehow perfectly covered up the total mess that she was, emotionally that is. The last time that she remembered opening up to someone was far too long ago, so being able to actually feel comfortable around someone put her at ease.

"I'm doing great! My mom let me hang out with you, however she wants me to get back before the streetlights go on. Cause, y'know, the boogy-man and stuff." Webber said, not a single tone of sarcasm or joking matter being detectable within him. This stifled a laugh out of Wendy as she giggled to herself. "Wait, you actually believe in the boogy-man?" She said, holding back a laugh as she watched Webber nod his head shamefully. 

After finishing up her laughing she wiped a tear from her eye and put a hand on Webber's shoulder. "I don't know if you'll take this as good or bad news, but the boogy-man isn't real. You don't get eaten for staying out too late, and he's definitely not under your bed." A look of relief was spread across Webber's face as he found calmness within that statement. "Wait, so what's been growling under my bed?"


As the lights dimmed upon the humble little town, the small and humble streetlights flickered on, bringing the comfort of light into the creepiness of darkness. Webber noticed the streetlights and panicked a little bit to himself, his fuzzy hand plunging into his pocket to bring out his phone. "O-Oh crud! I gotta go, sorry!" Webber said, stuffing his phone back into his pocket before getting up from the bench, not expecting a soft, yet firm grip to form on his arm. 

"A-Are you sure you can't stay any longer? Or at least walk me home or something?" Wendy asked, her scarf being unable to hide the rosy-red blush that was forming onto her face. "O-Oh? Uhm.... Alright I-I'll text my mom then.." Webber said, fishing for his phone once more and sending a brief message to his mom before plunging it back into the darkness of his pocket. 

The sidewalks, the street, the houses, the trees, all of it was being coated under a very light blanket of snow, it falling from the sky and landing on Webber's soft coat of fur. "S-So uhm, about that thing you were telling me on the-" Wendy shushed him and giggled to herself. "I told you to not mention until tomorrow!" Her voice muffled slightly as she playfully punched the spider-boy. "O-Ow! Okay fine fine!" Webber said, rubbing his arm as he could feel a tear running down his face. After the two of them take a right turn, there was Wendy's house, it being shrouded it darkness, and being covered with snow. 

"S-So uhm.. I guess see you later? I'll text you when I'm home, okay?" Webber said to Wendy, not expecting the same grip from earlier to come once more as he looked back at Wendy. Without another word, she pulled him into a big hug as they embraced each other, right there on the middle of the sidewalk. "Thank you for hanging out with me... I really like our time together... and honestly I think I really like-" 

A loud buzzing noise rang through the two's ears as Webber felt his phone vibrate angrily. "S-Sorry! I gotta go now... Take care!" Webber said, reluctantly pulling away from her hug as he jogged off into the night, almost accidently slipping on a bit of ice. Right after being out of view from her house, he just fell to the floor, landing on the grass and being surrounded by the snow. "...Was she gonna...? No way she was..." He began to talk to himself as he slowly got back up, brushed the snow off of him and continued on his path. "...I might need to talk to Jerry again."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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