Quiet Night

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"And let you deal with a drunk fourth division?" Y/N shook his head. "I'll handle them, you get on the case."

"Then it's settled," She agreed. "You go out with them, I'll follow this lead to the gun devil."

"Good luck." He said without sparing her a second glance, making his way to the door.

"And to you as well, do not drink too much!" She suggested, he grunted in response and left her office.


Now that he thought about it, he would have preferred to investigate the case it could have been far easier than dealing with drunk devil hunters and their antics.

"This will be a long night." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.


"Is Miss Makima coming?" Denji asked, shoving a piece of fried chicken into his mouth.

"Yeah I'd like to know too." Aki commented, taking a sip of his beer, this did not go unnoticed by Himeno, who pouted but said nothing.

"Who careees~" She dragged her words, the alcohol had already kicked in. "I rather have Y/N coming here, that body of his is a sight for sore eyes."

Aki looked at her and Denji disapprovingly, since the teenager also made comments about Makima, albeit less perverted.

"More food for me! Besides I'd rather not have them here!" Power yelled, shoving her food into her mouth without a care.

Kobeni didn't say anything, she silently drank her beer as a argument broke out.

That being who was the hottest, Makima or Y/N.

"Hottest?" Power stopped eating to think for a moment. "I am the most attractive here! Wouldn't you agree, Denji?!" She aimed her chopsticks at him.

"Huh?!" He shoved the sticks away from his face, a brief memory of her breasts came to mind. "Uh—No way!"

"How dare you?!" She crossed her arms and looked away, angry at the response.

"Hey Aki~" Himeno called him. "Y/N or Makima?"

"Huh?" He raised an eyebrow making her chuckle.

"Who's hotter, dummy?" She inquired, a grin on her face.


Everyone's eyes fell on him, he glanced around the room uncomfortable, he sighed and spoke.
".... Both are rather remarkable."

The silence followed, and the first to react was the one eyed hunter. "Boooring!" She yelled at her friend and crush, but he just shrugged.

"I agree with Aki." Yui, the short haired hunter chimed in. "Both have their own attractive qualities, isn't that right, Kobeni?" She nugded the shy girl with her elbow playfully.

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